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Messages - deadly7

Never mind. Brother reformatted C:\. Now it just doesn't pick up my other three hard drives.

It works! :)
Quote from: Shout on July 03, 2005, 11:27 PM
EWWY PCCHIPS! Get rid of that right now. GeForce 3? You need an upgrade man...
That computer was built three-four years ago. Hush.
Whoops yeah, sorry Kp.

Meant to quote this:

QuoteUse Recovery Console to restore an older version of the registry.  If that is not accessible, try to import this:
What is this "Older Version of the Registry"? Is it like the thing that pops up saying "Last Known Working Configuration" when you hit F8 during load (turn on, wait for computer to beep, hit F8, pick which mode to use)? If it is, I've already tried that and it doesn't work.
Maybe I won't get killed for bumping this, but I guess I'll post my specs.

Processor: AMD Athlon XP 1800+ underclocked to 1.15GHz
Motherboard: PCCHIPS M817LMR
Memory: 512MB DDR SDRAM
Video: 64mb nVIDIA GeForce3 Ti200
Four harddrives..
52x CDRW Drive

Not the best for playing games, but works good enough for me. ( I can get 15 FPS on WOW! )
Quote from: Kp on July 03, 2005, 07:53 PM
Recovery Console is a stripped down NT kernel that looks vaguely DOS-ish, but is even more braindamaged than true DOS in many ways.  It's primarily used for when you've managed to screw up a Windows system so thoroughly that you cannot even load the GUI, though it's also useful if something has managed to infect safe mode (since RC loads even fewer things than safe mode).  You can get it from your Windows CD.

All right. Which registry keys does it edit over?

@Networks: I don't know... It confuses me too. One minute I'm running regular XP, the next I boot into safe mode, delete fuunni.exe, hhjapr.exe, rrka.exe (all Adware* not virused files, sorry) and reboot into regular windows, and boom.
Quote from: Kp on July 03, 2005, 06:08 PM
Reinstall over the existing image (does not require formatting, though that generally is a good idea when Windows is involved!).  Alternately, perhaps you could tell us a bit more about the problem.  For instance, what does work?  Is the system even bootable?  Are you able to access the CD drive once the system is up?

Well, a Windows reinstall would mean I'd have to find CD's for all of my hardware, which I assure you is quite impossible.

Everything but: Internet, Windows Styles, Sound, work fine as far as I know.
I am pretty sure I can access my CD Drive.

Myndfyre, mind telling me how to use "Recovery Console" (ie: Where is it?) and what that file does?


Everything is basically like it would be in SAFE MODE with no networking options enabled.
General Discussion / Random Windows Problem
July 03, 2005, 05:47 PM
Ok. So today I was deleting a file (Fuunni.exe) because it was virused. I did so in safe mode. After I Rebooted, NONE OF MY WIDNOWS THINGS WORK.
I cannot use the internet. I do not get any audio. I cannot get a windows skin. Trend Micro does not work.


Note, if you're going to suggest formatting or installing linux, please don't.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: SC 1.13
June 29, 2005, 09:41 PM
To get it working for StealthBot (taken from quik)

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: SC 1.13
June 29, 2005, 09:06 PM
What? That's it?! CRAPPY patch. It probably still lets all the hacks work I bet.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: SC 1.13
June 29, 2005, 09:02 PM
Quote from: Blaze on June 29, 2005, 09:01 PM
The link to the patch info isn't working, anyone have the patch info?
It didn't work for me either. It sucks. :(
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: SC 1.13
June 29, 2005, 08:50 PM
The verbyte is probably not CD. It does not work for me.
Gaming Discussion / DotA anyone?
May 01, 2005, 06:15 PM
anyone here [besides rosen] play DotA?
Ew... Avalanche.. piece of shit car.. Escalades are pimp

Who the hell in a right state of mind would use an Escalade to tow anything? i sure wouldn't... Though I'd rather get a Z3 or pimped out ES330 or something of the sort.
Testing Forum / Re:Reply to this thread
August 10, 2004, 11:13 AM
I can't drive anything until i actually get a license.. :P