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Messages - MindArchon

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: D2GS Packets
October 13, 2005, 08:46 PM

So I assume I send 0x66 right when I connect to the server and it replies with 0xAE? Do you have any idea where I can find the format for 0x66? Nobody seems to know for sure.

Do I have to do anything with 0xAE? (is 0xAF 0xAE compressed or something? Because I still dont have decompression down)
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: D2GS Packets
October 13, 2005, 08:06 PM
I thought it is empty.

0000: 6D 12 E8 E9 2E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00           mèé............

6D is the packet ID
12 E8 E9 2E is the long I send (get tick count)
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 are the 2 empty dwords
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: D2GS Packets
October 13, 2005, 07:35 PM
Alright, I did a search and I guess I will use D2GS.dll. However, I have no idea how any of the parameters work. I found some stuff on the search, but all of it doesn't seem to work. This code that came with the zip containing D2GS doesn't work, and I cannot figure out how to use it effectively.

On Error Resume Next
Dim offset As Long
Dim Size As Long
Dim a As Integer
Dim H1 As String
Dim H2 As Integer
Dim outdata As String
Dim maxsize As Long
Dim outsize As Long

a = 5 '<-- extra packet space (only tryed it in testing to try fix bad packet returns)

'D2GS_DATA = Data from server >

H1 = GamePacketSize(D2GS_DATA, Size, offset)
outdata = String(Size + (a + 1), vbNullChar)
H2 = GamePacketDecode(Mid(D2GS_DATA, 1 + offset), Size + a, outdata, Size + a, outsize)

'outdata = decompressed data.

Also, Ive sent 0x68, and recieved 0x7A and 0x5C. I then guessed I would send 0x6B, but it says I dropped due to timeout in-game. I have been sending 0x6D every 6-7 seconds. Here is the packet log of my data being sent:

0000: 68 B9 44 67 38 62 00 01 0B 00 00 00 50 CC 5D ED  h¹Dg8b. ...PÌ]í
0010: B6 19 A5 91 00 46 69 72 65 64 41 78 65 00 81 B3  ¶¥'.FiredAxe.?³
0020: 6F 4B 00 00 00 00                                oK..............

I recieve 0x7A and 0x5C, and send out 0x6B, and I drop due to timeout, and here is 0x6D I am sending every 6 seconds.

0000: 6D 12 E8 E9 2E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00           mèé............

Battle.net Bot Development / D2GS Packets
October 12, 2005, 10:35 PM
I am having troubles with D2GS packets. I'd be nice if you guys could help me out here. There are two issues I am having a problem with:

Most importantly, how do you decompress the packets recieved. I've seen some source on how to do it, but I don't understand it. How are the packets compressed? And when you send packets back to the d2gs, do you have to compress them yourself? I have absolutely no idea how to start here.

When I first connect to D2GS, do I send 0x68 immediantly after connecting, or after they send data to me? Do I have to send stuff before or after it to officially get into the game?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Realms
October 06, 2005, 11:06 PM
Actually the problem WAS with the CD-key. I changed that and it gave me 0x00

Strangely, that cd-key seemed to be banned across all servers

Thanks guys, I got it working
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Realms
October 06, 2005, 08:30 PM
I still recieve the error. It does not matter what server I connect to.

Does anyone know what response 7E is?


Strange, upon changing the account I was connecting with, the status changed to 0, meaning it was a success.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Realms
October 06, 2005, 07:45 PM
Ok. Here is the code I am sending when the winsock realm connects.

MCPsck.SendData Chr(1)

buffer.InsertNonNTString MCP1
buffer.InsertNonNTString MCP2
buffer.InsertNTString BNCSu
buffer.SendPacketRealm &H1

Here is part of the code I use to parse 0x3E

MCP1 = Mid(data, 5, 16)
MCP2 = Mid(data, 29, 48)
BNCSu = KillNull(Mid(data, 77))

And here is the response to 0x3E

0000: FF 3E 58 00 BF E1 D0 78 70 6F 1B B6 D3 E9 00 35  ÿ>X.¿áÐxpo¶Óé.5
0010: 02 25 28 00 D3 E9 30 09 17 E0 00 00 00 00 00 00  %(.Óé0.à......
0020: FE 69 90 06 EB 82 6D A7 50 58 32 44 36 38 58 49  þi?ë,m§PX2D68XI
0030: D3 E9 00 35 00 00 00 00 66 E9 F9 3D D3 2E 7F FF  Óé.5....féù=Ó.ÿ
0040: 03 25 26 AB F3 99 F1 33 F4 79 24 EF 74 65 73 74  %&«ó™ñ3ôy$ïtest
0050: 61 63 63 35 35 00 63 35                          acc55.c5........
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Realms
October 06, 2005, 05:49 PM
Connection works fine, but im my response to 0x01 I am recieving an unknown result according to bnetdocs

Here I am sending 0x01

0000: 4D 00 01 70 5A 64 78 8D FA 07 DC D3 E9 00 35 3B  M.pZdx?úÜÓé.5;
0010: 1A 28 00 00 00 00 00 FE 69 90 06 EB 82 6D A7 50  (.....þi?ë,m§P
0020: 58 32 44 36 38 58 49 D3 E9 00 35 00 00 00 00 61  X2D68XIÓé.5....a
0030: 03 0A 77 51 30 EB 6E 9E 88 3B C5 AB F3 42 5F F0  .wQ0ënžˆ;Å«óB_ð
0040: 17 EE 48 74 65 73 74 61 63 63 35 35 00           îHtestacc55....

And here is the response.

0000: 07 00 01 7E 00 00 00                             .~............

Sorry guys, its just that I've never even looked at realms before.

I am sending the full 16 dwords of the data returned in 0x3E.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Realms
October 06, 2005, 04:54 PM
Thanks Ringo!

Your response helped me to get it to work. Now a few questions.

So do I just do something like

rPort = GetDWORD(Mid(data, 25, 4))

rIP = Asc(Mid(data, 21, 1)) & "." & Asc(Mid(data, 22, 1)) & "." & Asc(Mid(data, 23, 1)) & "." & Asc(Mid(data, 24, 1))

winsock.Connect rIP, rPort

Because its not connecting.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Realms
October 06, 2005, 12:02 AM
EDIT: l2k-Shadow - I tried 0x01 as I cookie and I still recieve that error

Nope not working. I have no idea where you want me to post my code from, So I'll guess I'll post it from right after I pass 0x3A.

Select Case Asc(Mid(data, 5, 1))
    Case &H0 '// Login Information Correct

        buffer.InsertNTString GetFromINI("Connection", "Username", "", App.Path & "\config.ini")
        buffer.InsertBYTE &H0
        buffer.SendPacket &HA
(code continues on to deal with invalid login information)

That code executes after it recieves 0x3A

.. This code executes when 0x0A is recieved.

UsernameLogged = KillNull(Mid(data, 5))
MainFRM.bnet.SendData Chr(&HFF)
MainFRM.bnet.SendData Chr(&H40)
MainFRM.bnet.SendData MakeWORD(4)
'//Sends packet 0x40, its empty.

And when 0x40 is recieved.

'//RealmToConnect is a private vairable in the module.
If GetDWORD(Mid(data, 9, 4)) = 1 Then
RealmToConnect = KillNull(Mid(data, 17))
RealmToConnect = GetFromIni("Connection", "Realm", "", App.Path & "\config.ini")
End if

OntoRealms = True '//Private module boolean

buffer.InsertDWORD Len("password")
buffer.InsertDWORD &H2
buffer.InsertNonNTString "password"
buffer.InsertDWORD GetTickCount
buffer.InsertDWORD sessionkey '//obtained from 0x50
buffer.SendBNLSPacket &HB

And my code for when 0x0B is recieved..

HashedData =  Mid(Data, 4)

If OntoRealms = True Then

      buffer.InsertDWORD sessionkey '//cookie
      buffer.InsertNonNTString HashedData
      buffer.InsertNTString RealmToConnect
      buffer.SendPacket &H3E


0x3E returns with realm logon failed.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Realms
October 05, 2005, 11:23 PM
I tried, it still gives me failed realm login.

Wouldn't BNET disconnect me if I submitted the wrong hash data? Am I doing something else wrong?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Realms
October 05, 2005, 10:59 PM
I am now sending 0x0A before I send 0x40.

I was sending Server Key correctly, but I changed Client key to GetTickCount, and I am still getting realm logon failed.
Battle.net Bot Development / Realms
October 05, 2005, 08:44 PM
I am having trouble adding realm support to my bot.

From looking at http://forum.valhallalegends.com/phpbbs/index.php?topic=11383.0 I assume I start by sending 0x40 after logging in with 0x3A.

I have no idea what the difference between 0x40 and 0x34 are because they seem to do almost the same thing, but I used 0x40 because it was used in that sequence information. I recieved the realm name to send in 0x3E (Europe).

Because I am using BNLS, I hash "password" by sending 0x0B, I didn't know what to put as the client and server key. Leaving them blank disconnects me from BNLS, so I just put the information I put for hashing the login password. Here is the packet I am sending to BNLS.

0000: 1B 00 0B 08 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 70 61 73 73 77  . ......passw
0010: 6F 72 64 4E E8 CB 73 E7 D2 5C 3C                 ordNèËsçÒ\<.....

After that I recieve the response and stick it into packet 0x3E to get the server to connect to. Here is the packet I am sending.

0000: FF 3E 23 00 00 00 00 00 C9 2C 83 9D 1B E2 E8 36  ÿ>#.....É,ƒ?âè6
0010: 66 87 76 5D 14 6D 98 C5 AC 24 6D 96 45 75 72 6F  f‡v]m˜Å¬$m–Euro
0020: 70 65 00                                         pe..............

I get a response but I recieve the status is 0x80000002 (Realm logon failed). I think its an error in hashing "password" but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Also, I noticed that the ip address returns in a dword. Isnt an ip address xx.xx.xxx, how do I connect to that ip address?
Quote from: Blaze on March 19, 2005, 10:08 PM
You need to put your username after the hash in 0x53.

Thanks a lot Blaze! I got it working.
OK So I sent 0x0D right after the 0x51 response, and I get this response

0000: 07 00 0D 01 00 00 00                             ..............

Then I sent 0x02 and all the other packets and I still recieve Incorrect Password