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Messages - LordVader

Quote from: Ringo on February 14, 2008, 09:12 PM
IIRC, its related to a few other things to, for an example, event 0x0D starts a 90 second count down on the clients GUI. I think thats more related in classic -- i Just remember poking the event with a server i was making.
The message is somthing like "Game will end in 90 second" then starts counting down.
Yah I listed 0X0D in the first post..
Hmm maybe:
QuestEvents OR QuestEventStatus
If anyone has any argument for something different or either of the above any input is appreciated.
The events tend to lead upto final quest completion or boss deaths so maybe D2GS_PreQuestEvents?
That's fairly accurate thx for the input.
Noticed this packet that I have not seen documented anywhere..
I Added 0x89 to bnetdocs, and could use some more reasearch on it this is what I have so far:

Message ID:   0x89
Direction:   Server -> Client (Received)
Used By:   Diablo II, Diablo
Format:   (BYTE) EventId // see below,

Events known so far:
00 = Killed all the monsters in the den.
01 = Tristram portal opening for the first time.
03 = Staff being put into the oriface in act2
0b = Meph just died.
0c = The last seal in cs was hit diablo is now released.
0d = Diablo was killed or is dead.
06 = Ammy being poped in clawviper temple.
07 = Summoner area? death or when the tome is clicked unsure which.
08 = Duriel just died
Remarks: I'm sure there are many others, and am guessing that the "Diablo walks the earth" type of event would also be seen in this packet, even if you joined the game after the message had appeared -- that is an assumption and is unverified tho.

Note1: Unsure what to name this any suggestions will be taken into account.
Note2: This seems to relate to various events that relate directly or indirectly to key quest states//events.

Basically to fully document it you would need to start at lvl one and do every quest(and most every area) in the game, and I have not had time to do that yet.
So if anyone get's the urge that would be appreciated.
And any suggestions on a name for this packet would be helpfull also.

Evan from redvex.net - discovered the 0x00 event which is seen when the den of evil has no monsters left, and helping to confirm some of the other events.
Everything else I documented.
Some general talk lead to this:
// example query
<0x00 name="SID_NULL" direction="2" clients="delimited list of clients that use this packet" related"delimited list of other packets that relate">
      <Remarks/> // if any
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Open source C++ Bot
September 28, 2007, 03:03 AM
Try a Search for: AccountKeepAlive the sources are in the zip with the bot.
Is a descent (basic) example of a c++ bot, is nothing fancy really and fairly outdated the cdkey/checkrevision should work with slight changes for d2 clients still, but most other clients you would need to update to the more current public c++ checkrevision code by iago/wars/rob or add bnls support(or both).

Edit: I have been doing alot of reading about plugin frameworks methods in c++, not talking basic export calls and such but full API to handle plugin management as well..

Some things I found recently relating to plugins:
Seems to be the most straight forward and complete example that doesn't depend on MFC or other frameworks that I can find. Also the author get's into pro's and cons of several methods of doing things is a pretty good reference.

Something else fairly interesting:
"PDL (Portable Dynamic Loader) is a light, simple and portable library designed especially for creating and using dynamically loaded class objects"
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: MCP Packet Exist?
September 11, 2007, 11:49 PM
They're probably some in game d2gs packets like Userloser suggested that will lead to very fast bans possibly instant.
Never heard of anything like that regarding the MCP packets tho.

Generally it takes something that get's their attention on a major scale for them to do anything that drastic.
Like the chesthack Userloser mentiond.

Maybe check this list:
Some in the list are color coded to reflect how blizzard acts on them.. meaning:
Realm down     
Realm down if Parameters are fault    
Connection interrupt    
Connection interrupt after a while

Most that result in realm down instantly, may lead to cdkey ban etc.
Quote from: Don Cullen on September 10, 2007, 02:38 AM
LordVader, he's attempting to do it via BNLS.

Game.exe? Is your game executable file actually named game.exe? Just wondering.

I realise that was suggesting that as a reference so he could check his AuthInfo setup//functions with the one DM made, and also so he could see DM's packet Buffer his constant defines probably work fine mostly, but may help if he saw other solutions.

Is not hard to make a connection to bnls get the data where needed and plug it directly into the code in the accountkeepalive sources.
Is a good resource for people working with c++, there is very little linked to in the references for people working in c++.

I believe he's trying to connect using d2xp from the code he posted, if so game.exe should be the correct executable.
in his code he uses:


Im assuming d2dv or d2xp from that and the reference to game.exe

But yah, hopefully the source will be of some help to you Tejjoj and if not and no body else actually dives into you're code I will try to write a d2dv/d2xp bnls console app or something and post that in a day or so.
Could try this for a reference if no body else helps ill try to tackle the code or atleast post something that should work as a reference..


Is outdated uses old local hashing checkrevision but looking thru that may help you get some of you're problems sorted out.
Even tho outdated, examples like that have helped me out alot in the past.

Ill check back to see progress in a day or two.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Bnet Languages
August 29, 2007, 12:08 PM
This is off topic but you three are all editors @ bnetdocs and I could use some input on some edits//changes to the D2GS data.
If you guys would read: http://forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=16982.msg172160#new

I'd appreciate any input/thoughts.
Anyone object to using the suffix "Ex" and "Ex2" etc..
Some of the D2GS packets are nearly identical but have some special modifier like holding shift(Ex) or holding the mouse down while holding shift (Ex2) etc..

Some of the packet names get long if using the litteral terms to build the name up..

Main Packet:
Left click location and release

hold shift and left click location and release

Could possibly turn into:

hold shift and left click a location without releasing to repeat the action

Could possibly turn into:

Etc.. would simplify the variation's of nearly identical packets that have various modified versions.

*Note: the data is identical in all of the above only difference is the PacketID
Well no replie's yet so I will assume no body has any major objections to the changes mentioned, if anyone does or has other ideas/observations feel free to let me know.

I will start editing the D2GS data on Monday (is saturday now), if no body has any objections or anythng by then I will start emplenting the changes I spoke of above.

*Edit: fixed my horribly bad typos.
@Don and anyone else interested in the D2GS data, I have started a thread here to discuss changes that I will be looking @ making.
I am going to be editing the d2gs data on http://bnetdocs.dementedminds.net/.
Some of the packet names and things is needing some udpating and correction.
Before I go thru and start doing that I would like some input from people..

Mainly in regards to UNIT and OBJECT type references, and some of the actually packet names..

Here is an example:
Quote from: LordVader - from a different thread
some of the D2GS data is incorrect mostly the naming schemes.. someone should go thru and look thru + compare to this list:

One that i notice off hand is for example:

Message ID:   0x2F
Message Name:   D2GS_NPCHEAL
Message Status:   RAW, NEW PACKET
Direction:   Client -> Server (Sent)
Used By:   Diablo II, Diablo
Format:   (DWORD) Unused(DWORD) NPC ID
Remarks:   Heals the player through the specified NPC. Please note: This message's official name is not known, and has been invented.

That should more correctly be refered to as NPCTalk or NPCChat happens once and only after you have sent an 0x13 packet to actually click the npc, and then you choose "talk" that is the 2f packet.
And also the first dword is entity kind, you can see more info about that also in the EON packet list.

0x2F - Initiate entity chat - 2F [DWORD Entity Kind] [DWORD Entity ID]

The different Entity types:

00 - Players
01 - Monsters, NPCs, and Mercenaries
02 - Stash, Waypoint, Chests, Corpses, and other objects.
03 - Missiles
04 - Items
05 - Entrances

Basically references to UNIT and OBJECT and things, have been in the actual D2 community refered to and covered by the blanket "Entity" and "Entity Kind".
That is one thing I would like to update,that and just adding more info and getting it uptodate.

If you compare the EON List which is a collaborative copy paste from probably 5 other sites and listings you'll see alot of variations between the two and in most instances the EON data is more accurate(to me in my own research).

So any input/suggestions on how people would prefer things or flaws in what I am suggesting are appreciated.

*Edit: I was mistaken the example above isn't directly in responce to clicking talk it actually indicates that you are now interacting with an NPC..
A dialog window is opened at this state and is prior to any choices being made(talk/trade etc).
@Don Cullen, thx for that I will probably do that (*edit just did that, account is LordVader) =)

Very neat btw how each user is able to alter the style sheet for their own preferences, that is fairly unique..
Did you create that or is it apart of a CMS or something?
Quote from: Andy on August 23, 2007, 03:26 PM
War3 Game Server would be my guess. And what's wrong with using a frame if it prevents having to load a huge list of packets every time you load a new page?

Frames are generally bad mojo can be done well and if done well i have no problems with frames, prevent people from loading other sites/pages into the diff frames and or break out of them etc.

Most ppl don't take that into consideration tho and frames are frowned apon in most instances for that reason.

Not to mention the fact that alot of ppl simply wrap a frame around pages that don't actually exist on their site and try to pass it off as their own..

So don't take ppl reacting harshly in regards to frames to seriously if you know what you're doing I say go for it.
They just have a bad rep, most ppl do a really piss poor job with them so meh, is all in the details as usual.