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Messages - Archangel

Yesterday a friend asked me to make a program to add views to a website, but i found myself in a big problem, is just 1 view per click.

My next step was trying to add views by using proxys, but i also noticed they didnt count views when being on proxys.

So my next idea is to make a program to share clicks, for example, 10 users load the program and then each client will exchange views with each other by finding the perfect match (that the ip havnt visited that site or if the last visit of that ip was 8 hours ago).

Im currently thinking of the way to develop this method, i thought of using a server to handle all the sharing but i find it to complicated for just doing this.

Does anyone have a better solution? I really want to have this done and i am really running out of solutions, maybe using a mysql database on a server as the wait list? i dont know i need some guidance, thank you all and sorry if i have any spelling mistake. Thanks.
I sent a message to rob already with the topic link. Hope he gets here and check :P.
maybe you should compare it?
mmm i liked the tune.

Im sure it will make it to the top #5 valhalla tunes in no time.
Quote from: UserLoser on July 06, 2008, 10:16 PM

thanks, i will take a look :).
Im trying to find the location of the D2GS packet 0x68 on the diablo librarys but i havnt been able to find it, anyone know in what library the d2gs packet(s) are located?

Quote from: Ringo on June 30, 2008, 03:53 PM
Quote from: Archangel on June 30, 2008, 03:46 PM
well i want to start the d2gs protocol and i wanted to ask some questions:
1. Packets sent by the server have to be decompressed?
2. Packets are sent to the server without a compression?
3. Where i can get the compression code?
4. I saw the login sequence by Rhino x time ago, something changed on the protocol since that time?

Thanks alot.

1: Yes and No
2: Yes
3: Search :P
4: No

Its still as following:
If Error Then
    Or no answer/connection close

S>C Game Data

thanks for your quick answer ;).
Battle.net Bot Development / D2GS connection
June 30, 2008, 03:46 PM
well i want to start the d2gs protocol and i wanted to ask some questions:
1. Packets sent by the server have to be decompressed?
2. Packets are sent to the server without a compression?
3. Where i can get the compression code?
4. I saw the login sequence by Rhino x time ago, something changed on the protocol since that time?

Thanks alot.
Web Development / Re: SQL Databases
May 27, 2008, 07:57 AM
Quote from: Andy on May 27, 2008, 12:24 AM
One table, multiple fields.

k, thanks :]. I will post if i got any more doubts.
Web Development / SQL Databases
May 26, 2008, 10:14 PM
I'm starting to learn how to use SQL databases and i was wondering if its ok to have 2 tables for the users infromation, for example:

Having table: USERS with the rows: USER_ID USERNAME PASSWORD
and then having: USERS_INFO with the rows: USERS_INFO_ID ADRESS PHONE

the idea is having 2 separate tables to manage the users information, is this a correct way of doing this?

If so, what command should i be using to request the user adress using the user_id?

Edit: im new to this theme, so dont go hard with me :).
Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on May 26, 2006, 01:10 PM
Yeah, it's pretty much the same.

Thnx alot. :P
Well, i want to know ift he sequence of connecting to port 80 proxyes its the same as other ports, if it not, where i can get the information for connecintg? thnx.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Follow up?
May 22, 2006, 05:12 PM
Quote from: TeEhEiMaN on May 22, 2006, 02:51 PM
I know this is very old but was there ever a follow up to Groks tutorial?


I dont know if there was actually, but im sure that wont work on bnet anymore, chat connections are gone.
Ok, all the problem i had was in my buffer, i resovled it with the help of Pianka, i got a last question, should i take care about the (null)?
Quote from: PiaNKA on May 20, 2006, 09:34 AM
First: LOL@strBuffer.gString

Second: you are calling kd_init() at the beginning of your program, correct?

im using example bot code for calling kd_init()

    On Error GoTo Startup_Error
    If (kd_init() = 0) Then
        MsgBox "The BNCSutil CD-key decoder could not be initialized, " & _
            "and the bot must close.", vbCritical, "Example Bot"
    End If