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Messages - Reaper~

General Discussion / Knoppix 3.9 Question!!
December 12, 2005, 06:26 PM
     I just recently got my hands on an old 4 gig hard drive and Knoppix 3.9, and it's a Live-CD. I've read about installing it to your hard drive instead so you don't have to use the disk. I have the 2 hard drives in my computer, a 74.4 GB with Windows XP on it and my tens-of-thousands of files and songs and misc., and that 4 GB with nothing on it. Now, how do I install Knoppix on the 4 GB one and have Windows on it's existing? I want to be able to choose which OS (or hard drive :P) to boot to when I start up my computer. I'm just afraid of screwing something up and reformatting and losing everything on my 74.4 GB and installing Knoppix to it! Would I disconnect the main drive, boot knoppix using the cd and install it to the 4 GB drive because it's the only one that's connected at the time? If so... how do I install it? I read something about typing the line "knoppix-installer" somewhere, but I don't know where....Sorry if this sounds like a lot of rambling on, it's just hard for me to explain
General Discussion / Re: Which is better...
June 15, 2005, 03:17 PM
Alright thanks, just making sure I thought they were like basically the same and I was going to go with the second choice, just making sure though   :)
Fun Forum™ / Google Gulp
April 01, 2005, 05:16 PM

See for yourself....
Fun Forum™ / Re: Which File Extention Are You?
January 28, 2005, 08:45 PM
Awesome, thanks!  ;D
Fun Forum™ / Are you an idiot?
January 27, 2005, 11:52 PM

Ugh, I'm an idiot.  ::)  :P
Lol (0x27)  :-[ I'm sorry I just looked too fast I guess, but still doesn't solve the problem, whenever you get the chance if you'd take a look it'd be much appreciated.
I went to
and it says the value is 0x25
Is that what you were talking about? If so, it doesn't work it still
Oh Ok, but do you have an idea of how to get the right key to work?
Yeah you can see all the keycodes by right-clicking in the coding and going to "List Properties/Methods" and as for:

Up: vbKeyUp
Down: vbKeyDown
Left: vbKeyLButton
Right: vbKeyRButton

That still doesn't work and using Option Explicit doesn't do anything, no errors come up and it's still under the list I don't get what you mean Newby?
I got another question, if I try replacing vbKeyReturn with vbKeyRight the right button doesn't do anything... is vbKeyRight not the right arrow?
Oh ok I see. Thanks!   :D
I'm trying to get it so that when the user presses the over button (in this case the button is Enter, or Return) a shape will move over and everytime you press it, the shape moves, then the program freezes up. Can someone explain this to me and help me out?

Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
Shape1.Move 550
End If
End Sub

or I tried this code:

Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim i As Long
If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
For i = 1 To 99999
Shape1.Move 550
End If
End Sub

And it just moves once and then you can press it over and over and it will do nothing.. but it doesn't freeze with this one...

Another freezing one is:

Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii as Integer)
Do While KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn
Shape1.Move 550
End Sub
Visual Basic Programming / Internet Timer
January 21, 2005, 12:33 PM
I want to have a setting so if the user wishes to be notified every hour they are online a message box will pop up telling them. But I'm not to sure how to get it to work.  :-\