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Messages - Mesiah / haiseM

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Your bots :)
April 06, 2010, 10:54 PM
Quote from: Tazo on March 07, 2010, 11:23 PM
Could be due to the delay in communication between the gateway and the bot? Or the gateway is being overloaded and has a buffer overflow perhaps?

Figured out the problem with chewbot 1.x - It was @Azeroth and @LordCrapon that was causing it to crash. It can handle the string fine, it's the length that was the problem.

Solution: My gate detects if its a chewbot, if so, i replace "@Azeroth" with "@AZ", "@LordArab" with "@LA" etc, then change it back in the chat event. It imposes limitations, but at least it don't crash! Works GREAT!

Now just gotta work on bringin back InterBot ;)
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Your bots :)
March 12, 2010, 03:22 PM
Quote from: Tazo on March 07, 2010, 11:23 PM
Could be due to the delay in communication between the gateway and the bot? Or the gateway is being overloaded and has a buffer overflow perhaps?

No my gate is fine, it's the console bots that crash. It's more of a matter of my gateway sending stuff to the bot too fast, and it crashes. When i add a 2 second delay to sending packets to the console bot, it works. But it makes it incredibly slow and inefficient.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Your bots :)
March 07, 2010, 06:58 PM

BNX is a great bot. Kudos. I have issues connecting it with my binary gateway program for some reason, same with other console bots.. I have to add a somewhat lengthy delay to everything sent to BNX in order for it to work. Without the delay, it crashes as soon as it opens.

I have this same problem with chewbot 1.x ...  it took me hours of scouring on the internet just to find them, can you provide any insight as to why they want to crash without the lengthy delay in between all packets?
You guys never cease to amaze me. Thanks alot Hdx :)
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Your bots :)
February 12, 2010, 11:17 AM
StonerBot is a Chat/Moderation bot that uses local hashing. Support's up to 6 profiles and uses PunK's BNHash. Automatically detects current version byte and checks it against the manually entered one. If they do not match - the user is asked which one it would like to use. This bot also has some very fun and entertaining aspect's to it - and a personality of it's own! (especially when you enable Stoner Mode bwahaha)

Auto detects hash files, Won't let user connect without them.
Can use STAR, SEXP, W2BN, D2DV, WAR3, W3XP. No realm logon shit yet, in fact, no support for war3 crap whatsoever at the moment.


Planning a beta release pretty soon here..
I recently bought the SC/BW anthrology at wal mart for 20 bucks, and tried to use it's new 26 char alpha numeric cdkey on a few bots. Ipbanned on every single one. Mirage, Stealth, My own..

I havn't logged the client yet to see if anything different is taking place (i wouldn't be able to tell probably anyways, im no good at reading encoded stuff), but the client works just fine..

Can anybody else comfirm that battle.net has NOT changed anything reguarding hashing new sc anthrology keys??
lol nope never heard of it, sounds fun tho  :o
lol what nick did u have back then tazo? ur name doesn't ring a bell.. and I'm good now, ice is updating flux and i've got this lil war2 gate thing goin on myself. And I'm programming a new bot as well, STONERBOT! :)
People like us need cloud computing. I hate losing stuff.
Wait arent you the one who took over flux? Do you still have the source to it? Please i beg of you to update or contact ice to release it to me so i can!! please.
oh and a sidenote - I've only tested binary bots such as Chewbot and my bot (using very old login packets, when 0x50 just came out iirc - perhaps this causes some kind of conflict??)
Hello all, It's been a while.... 5 or 6 years perhaps :-P

I have long retired from battle.net programming, But I still get on once in a while and play Starcraft aka "StonerCraft" :P

I'm looking to bring my old bot online, or any old bot that works great, by using Binary Flux 1.0.24.. I'm getting game version failed and checkrevision errors... (this makes no sense to me since binary flux SHOULD be handling all these just fine...)

Anyways, Can anybody point me in the direction where I might find some kind of binary gateway program like flux that may actually work? I'd be forever greatful!!
* Mesiah / haiseM has NO clue how warden or any of this other new stuff works :(
Interesting idea, warz. This is actually one of the better idea's I've seen in a while. This is what I check in here from time to time for. Something large, useful to an entire community, a pure show of complete mastery of the starcraft game protocol. I would be all for donating whatever I can to a project like this, But only if their are a fair amount of people involved. There are going to have to be at least a handful.. If your serious about undergoing a project of this stature, see if you can't gather a few handy people. PM me if you get going with this. gg.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: JSTR Patch Updates
February 18, 2006, 12:13 PM
Yeah, I tried tellin these sucka's. If I still had the game I'd throw a big pretty pic on here so they could see. A company, especially Blizzard, would never release a game without an updater, not on online game. JSTR wasn't meant to be updated. It never sold.
Quote from: HdxBmx27 on January 28, 2006, 05:29 PM
Starcraft uses SID_LOGONRESPONSE(0x29)
It does not tell you if the account is closed because it just gets a failed logon.
Diablo II tells you the account is closed because it uses SID_LOGONRESPONSE2 (0x3A).

It may not be client specific as far as emulation goes, but if your not too worried about your bot being 100% client-like, you can use 0x3A.