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Messages - ioSys

General Discussion / Seeking CupHead
August 31, 2008, 03:31 PM
Hi everyone!

Long ago I talked to CupHead. I would like to get in touch with him again. Anyone that can help me? Sorry if I posted in the wrong forum, but I dont know what the proper forum should be.

Thanks in advance!

It would be really nice if you could send a PM to me if you know how to contact him.
I wonders as the topic says if it exists a torrent client wich u can feed with a list of things u want to download and that does that for u?
I am here some times a week reading but not writing = not being noticed, but still I am here.  :)

I work mainly with webdeveloping and is hanging out on a swedish forum http://www.aspsidan.se.
General Discussion / Re: Unregistered spam bots
September 21, 2007, 06:21 AM
Like Andy said its just to make a captcha for unregistered users posting. Simple and nice! Some of my customers websites started to get spammed and this method effectively solved the problem. A question asking to type the answear of 3+4 in a textbox is another way to solve the problem without using captha (who has worked for a lot of people I know).
Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on August 23, 2007, 11:59 AM
Check out CuteFTP.  It installs a PDF printer driver.
MyndFyre[vL], is it possible to use that printer from my VB6 app to produce a pdf from my the word (doc) file i input? How do i do that? =)

Else I hope to find a COM component that can do the task (converting doc to pdf) that i can use in my application in VB6.

FrOzeN, I will try to get that source running. Lets see if it works.

Other solutions on how to solve my issue is welcome

Okey. Now i have tested out this app u gave as a solution.
I want to automate the process of converting a document to pdf from word. PDFCreator.exe /PF"Path of file to be converted" works. It opens up word and uses a printer that makes the document save as pdf. The bad thing is that word opens up a save file dialog and is not a solution that works for me.

The ideal solution would be to have a COM component that simply converts the document to pdf silently in the background, not starting up word visible and prompting me to save the document.

And Frozen, that component u gave as a suggestion DID have a COM interface so i try to see if i succeed to comile it and use it in my module. Hope it works =)

Anyone else that knows of a COM component that works or maybe have tested Adobe Acrobat Distiller Server 6.0?
The application I have built is a VB6 EXE component of many that co-works in our system. The server which will hold my component runs Windows XP and the solution must work on that computer.
I am looking for a component witch can convert word files (doc) to pdf. I have already bought 1 component called Total PDF Converter from http://www.coolutils.com but it can not do the job correctly. It misses some letters here and there and makes indent sometimes and so on. I want a component that just converts the word file to pdf.

I will use the COM component in my application I am building in Visual Basic 6 on Windows platform.
General Programming / Re: Set Process Name
August 12, 2007, 01:54 AM
Quote from: rabbit on August 10, 2007, 06:55 AM
You could write the app as ProcName____ or whatever and then write a loader that modifies the executable with a UID or something.

Nice solution, Rabbit. It is not supposed to do it another "cleaner" way via API or such? I try this solution.

Raylu, I try that app. Even though it doesent solve my problem.

Thank you for helping!

Now my little loader is complete and working! =) Thanks for the help!
General Programming / Re: Set Process Name
August 10, 2007, 06:32 AM
Thanks for your reply. Anyone else that knows if what I want to do is possible or not?
General Programming / Set Process Name
August 09, 2007, 10:17 AM
I have made an VB6 application that dont use any forms that is compiled to an .EXE file. I will run more instances of this application at the same time and wants to be able to stop the right one. Normally I cant see wich one is wich in "process explorer". Is it possible for me to set the name of the process when I start my application?

I can see that in the .VBP file there is a part: Title="SendApp" that defines the name of the process.

It would help me a lot if I was able to terminate the right one by being able to see what one is the one to terminate.

Sorry for bad english =)

Thanks in advance
.NET Platform / Re: Help with .NET sockets
July 04, 2005, 03:26 AM
oh, I wanted help with sockets, not strings myndfyre =) but its okey. thanks anyway!
General Discussion / Webpage Design Books
February 13, 2005, 01:05 AM
Im interested in a book to use to get inspiration from when making webpage layouts. Anyone who have a tip?
.NET Platform / Help with .NET sockets
October 09, 2004, 03:23 PM
I need help with an example of how to use sockets in VB.NET.
I want a SIMPLE example!  :)

What I need to know is
(1) how to send a string to bnet
(2) how to receive a string from bnet

I am familiar with how connections to bnet with vb6 works

Hope you guys can give me a simple understandable example :)
General Programming / Re:Triviabot
February 21, 2004, 06:30 AM
the reason I posted this was to let other people get the idea for how the program works who enjoyed me and many else in the channel on battle.net. Some moments after i posted it i realized how simple it was to make such a thing BUT did not delete the post because others may want to discuss about such a program.
General Programming / Re:Triviabot
February 21, 2004, 06:21 AM
funny answears. I dont think i will add anything of value by answearing them but it was fun to read them though.