Valhalla Legends Archive

Programming => Bot Development => Topic started by: PunK on May 30, 2009, 01:28 AM

Title: [0x26] SID_READUSERDATA (C->S)
Post by: PunK on May 30, 2009, 01:28 AM
I've never really messed around with this except for the profile / system keys. I've been helping a friend out and he asked about the record values.

However, I get ip banned immediately after making the request. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

I tried the client tag vice versa as well, no luck.

Public Sub Send_26Ex(Username As String)
With b
    .i_dword &H69
    .i_dword &H5
    .i_dword &H1
    .i_ntstring Username
    .i_ntstring "record\SEXP\0\wins"
    .i_ntstring "record\SEXP\0\losses"
    .i_ntstring "record\SEXP\0\disconnects"
    .i_ntstring "record\SEXP\0\last GAME"
    .i_ntstring "record\SEXP\0\last GAME result"
    .s_packet &H26, BNCS
End With
End Sub
Title: Re: [0x26] SID_READUSERDATA (C->S)
Post by: Hdx on May 30, 2009, 02:05 AM
Why are you requesting 0x69 Usernames? (
Title: Re: [0x26] SID_READUSERDATA (C->S)
Post by: Mystical on May 30, 2009, 03:17 AM
like hdx says, don't need to request that many usernames haha, just make sure your requesting as many keys as you send.

   With P
                                                                         '\* Request Profile Values */
     .InsertDWORD 1                                                     '(DWORD) Number of Accounts
     .InsertDWORD 8                                                     '(DWORD) Number of Keys
     .InsertDWORD GetTickCount                                          '(DWORD) RequestID
     .InsertNTString strUser                                            '(STRING)[] Requested Accounts
     .InsertNTString "profile\sex"                                      '(STRING)[] Requested Keys #1
     .InsertNTString "profile\location"                                 ' #2
     .InsertNTString "profile\description"                              ' #3
     .InsertNTString "record\" & C.CheckProduct & "\0\wins"             ' #4
     .InsertNTString "record\" & C.CheckProduct & "\0\losses"           ' #5
     .InsertNTString "record\" & C.CheckProduct & "\0\disconnects"      ' #6
     .InsertNTString "record\" & C.CheckProduct & "\0\last game"        ' #7
     .InsertNTString "record\" & C.CheckProduct & "\0\last game result" ' #8
     .send sckBNET, SID_READUSERDATA, pBnet                             '(0x26)
   End With
Title: Re: [0x26] SID_READUSERDATA (C->S)
Post by: PunK on May 30, 2009, 09:50 AM
uhhhhhhhhhh.. good question. i thought that was the cookie ><