I would post this in CupHeads original post but I doubt anyone would look at that.
Anyways, I've already injected the dll but I want to redirect the socket data back to my application via the injected dll. I'm not quite sure about how to go about this and I am doing this in VB6 to get a good understanding then eventually I will port it into C++. I don't quite have a great grasp on C++ which is why I'm doing this in VB6 first.
Does anyone have any good documentation (being any language at this point, I don't care) that I could refer to?
Second question.
Let's say I write a DLL and name it winsock32.dll. The application I inject the DLL into is already using a library named winsock32.dll.. Will it write over the existing dll that the application is already using?
1). No, but it's really really easy to do on your own. I recommend checking out DbgHelp's ImageDirectoryEntryToData (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms680148(VS.85).aspx).
2). LoadLibrary will return the base address of the previously loaded module with the same name if present.
Kind of was hoping for something that explained the dynamics of hooking.
I'm using http://www.edgeofnowhere.cc/viewtopic.php?p=2483118 as a reference.
Walk the imports table replacing all calls to functions you want to hook with your functions. Not hard.