Valhalla Legends Archive

Programming => Bot Development => Topic started by: Hdx on August 29, 2007, 04:54 AM

Title: Bnet Languages
Post by: Hdx on August 29, 2007, 04:54 AM
Simple enough question, what languages does Bnet support for it's multi-lingual mpq archives.
deDE, enUS, frFR, koKR, zhCN, zhTW, itIT, csCZ,
Any others? (I don't want to crack open WC3 >.< One of you guys might have them in your notes)
On a side-note: Whats the format for the name of the files inside PMAC/XMAC crev archives? (psistrom, ver-P/XMAC)
The main reason is I'm making a cache of all Bnet's file off BNFTP
Title: Re: Bnet Languages
Post by: UserLoser on August 29, 2007, 11:12 AM
chinese, korean, french, italian, polish, german, maybe a few more
Title: Re: Bnet Languages
Post by: rabbit on August 29, 2007, 11:41 AM
Japanese, English, and Spanish too IIRC.
Title: Re: Bnet Languages
Post by: LordVader on August 29, 2007, 12:08 PM
This is off topic but you three are all editors @ bnetdocs and I could use some input on some edits//changes to the D2GS data.
If you guys would read:

I'd appreciate any input/thoughts.
Title: Re: Bnet Languages
Post by: Michael on September 11, 2007, 05:43 PM
i also think they support 1337speak :P