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Programming => General Programming => C/C++ Programming => Topic started by: Dyndrilliac on February 27, 2006, 08:19 AM

Title: Question regarding MS Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
Post by: Dyndrilliac on February 27, 2006, 08:19 AM
So, I've been using Visual C++ 6 for a while now and recently it's started to really piss me off. So, I downloaded and installed the newest free beta of Visual C++, and I really like it. The only problem is, it didn't come with ANY of the standard Windows API headers (windows.h, winbase.h, etc). So, I was wondering, is there some new spiffy way of accessing what WAS available to me those headers, or am I shit out of luck with that?

Also, I'm wondering if it's safe to just copy over all the *.lib and *.h files that I have in my VC6 /include/ and /lib/ directories, and just tell it not to overwrite any files that already exist?
Title: Re: Question regarding MS Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
Post by: Skywing on February 27, 2006, 11:09 AM
You should install the Platform SDK (
Title: Re: Question regarding MS Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
Post by: Dyndrilliac on February 27, 2006, 01:30 PM
I installed the Platform SDK, but now I'm having more problems. It calims that I have unresolved externals when I attempt to use FindWindow() and SendMessage(). Here's the error:
QuoteWA_SongTitle.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__SendMessageA@16 referenced in function "char const * __cdecl WA_GetSongTitle(void)" (?WA_GetSongTitle@@YAPBDXZ)
WA_SongTitle.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__FindWindowA@8 referenced in function "int __cdecl WA_IsRunning(void)" (?WA_IsRunning@@YAHXZ)
I don't get what's wrong. I went into "Tools->Options", and then I went to "Projects and Solutions->VC++ Directories". Then, I added the LIb, INCLUDE, and BIN directories for the Platform SDK. I didn't know which directory I needed to add for "Source" and "Reference" directories.
Title: Re: Question regarding MS Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
Post by: K on February 27, 2006, 03:12 PM
Sounds like you need to add user32.lib to your libraries to link against.
Title: Re: Question regarding MS Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
Post by: Dyndrilliac on February 27, 2006, 04:52 PM
Thanks much, K! It works now. I kinda was just assuming, that since my old VC++6 project file was configured to link with user32.lib, when this new IDE imported and converted the project file to the new format that it would carry the linker options over as well. Not to mention, whenever I started a new project in VC++6, it by default linked with some of the most constant libraries.