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Request for Research: refreshing packets

Started by pyrrhanha, March 08, 2008, 09:39 PM

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Hello, im new,

I leeched the source of lainthbot : http://laineth.googlepages.com/

And I would like to know how set a refresher like pickuplistchecker (http://bonta.kun.free.fr/listchecker/) which send packets to refresh

I set my host by :

            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {255})      //'BNET header constant
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {28})       //'SID_STARTADVEX3
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {0, 0})     //'packet length

            //'state 16=public 17=private 18=close
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {state, 0, 0, 0})             //'game state
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, clsHelper.LongToDWORD(upTime, False))       //'Time since creation
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {1, 32, 25, 0})       //'Game Type, Parameter
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {255, 3, 0, 0})       //'Unknown
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {0, 0, 0, 0})         //'custom game
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, gameName)                        //'game name
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {0})                  //'game password
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {98})                 //'98=b=11 slots free
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {49, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48})     //'1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0=host counter
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, CreateStatString(hostName, mapPath, mapCRC))     //'game stat
            clsHelper.AddByteArray(packet, New Byte() {0})                                  //'game stat end

It works pretty good except my game doesn't refresh.

Which packet I must send to refresh my game ? (opening/closing slot doesn't work)

Thx a lot and sry for my english skills.

ps: hosting with plc is different that the bot which send this packet because the game is created in the lan area with plc and packets just connect lan to bnet public game list.


as far as i know, the packet to refresh a game is actually the same packet as to make a game. i forget all the details, though.


Quote from: Sveet on January 11, 2009, 11:05 AM
as far as i know, the packet to refresh a game is actually the same packet as to make a game. i forget all the details, though.

This is true. The 0x1C packet's meaning varies based on the "status" value.
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P