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Request for information: D2GS S > C 0x89

Started by LordVader, December 31, 2007, 11:30 AM

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Noticed this packet that I have not seen documented anywhere..
I Added 0x89 to bnetdocs, and could use some more reasearch on it this is what I have so far:

Message ID:   0x89
Direction:   Server -> Client (Received)
Used By:   Diablo II, Diablo
Format:   (BYTE) EventId // see below,

Events known so far:
00 = Killed all the monsters in the den.
01 = Tristram portal opening for the first time.
03 = Staff being put into the oriface in act2
0b = Meph just died.
0c = The last seal in cs was hit diablo is now released.
0d = Diablo was killed or is dead.
06 = Ammy being poped in clawviper temple.
07 = Summoner area? death or when the tome is clicked unsure which.
08 = Duriel just died
Remarks: I'm sure there are many others, and am guessing that the "Diablo walks the earth" type of event would also be seen in this packet, even if you joined the game after the message had appeared -- that is an assumption and is unverified tho.

Note1: Unsure what to name this any suggestions will be taken into account.
Note2: This seems to relate to various events that relate directly or indirectly to key quest states//events.

Basically to fully document it you would need to start at lvl one and do every quest(and most every area) in the game, and I have not had time to do that yet.
So if anyone get's the urge that would be appreciated.
And any suggestions on a name for this packet would be helpfull also.

Evan from redvex.net - discovered the 0x00 event which is seen when the den of evil has no monsters left, and helping to confirm some of the other events.
Everything else I documented.


Don't pay attention to this signature, it's contradictory.


The events tend to lead upto final quest completion or boss deaths so maybe D2GS_PreQuestEvents?
That's fairly accurate thx for the input.


IIRC, its related to a few other things to, for an example, event 0x0D starts a 90 second count down on the clients GUI. I think thats more related in classic -- i Just remember poking the event with a server i was making.
The message is somthing like "Game will end in 90 second" then starts counting down.


Quote from: Ringo on February 14, 2008, 09:12 PM
IIRC, its related to a few other things to, for an example, event 0x0D starts a 90 second count down on the clients GUI. I think thats more related in classic -- i Just remember poking the event with a server i was making.
The message is somthing like "Game will end in 90 second" then starts counting down.
Yah I listed 0X0D in the first post..
Hmm maybe:
QuestEvents OR QuestEventStatus
If anyone has any argument for something different or either of the above any input is appreciated.


Quote from: LordVader on February 16, 2008, 02:40 AM
Yah I listed 0X0D in the first post..
Yes, i know. My point is, it must be wrong or have multiple meanings :p
For example, 0x0B also means that destruction boss in act5 has died (cant spell his name because hes gay) -- the one who drops the destruction key and does corpse pop.
I think the event byte goes all the way up to 0x13, but i cant remember with out digging  up some old notes.
I was under the impression you want feed back on the event ID's, not the packet name -- just make one up :P

aside, diablo clone events are in 0x5A:

    NOTIFY_DROP = &H0 'player drops from game
    NOTIFY_DROPERROR = &H1 'player drops from game due to errors
    NOTIFY_JOIN = &H2 'player joins the game
    NOTIFY_QUIT = &H3 'player quits game
    NOTIFY_NOT_INGAME = &H4 'player not ingame (@char)
    NOTIFY_SLAIN = &H6 'player killed
    NOTIFY_RELATION = &H7 'player relations
    NOTIFY_CHAR_BUSY = &H8 'char is busy (when clicking for trade)
    NOTIFY_WAIT_TRADE = &H9 'wait a short time before going into trade
    NOTIFY_ITEM_IN_BOX = &HA 'items in box (cube full)
    '0x0B = ?
    '0x0C = ?
    NOTIFY_NO_LISTEN = &HD 'the wisperd character is not listening
    NOTIFY_NO_MANA = &HE 'player cant cast due to no mana
    NOTIFY_REALM_GOING_DOWN = &HF ' realm down down in PID mins
    NOTIFY_WAIT_HOSTILE = &H10 'must wait awile before hostileing
    NOTIFY_SOJ_SALE = &H11 'sojs have been sold
    NOTIFY_DC_WALK = &H12 'Diablo walks the earth
End Enum



This one looks pretty obvious; it's anything that updates the 'quests' page. Quests can  have multiple states before they are completed. Download any character editor with a quest state editor, and you'll see all of the states.