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Messages - LivedKrad

Quote from: One-Way on July 27, 2006, 07:20 AM
i brute the keys with the decode/encode...

is the decode/encode for d2 and lod?

Quote from: Topaz on April 05, 2006, 05:40 PM
You reference it or add it as a control.

That would defeat the purpose of having non-COM libraries use the functions in my executable as well. So, there's no non-COM way to do this? Perhaps I could use Events like Ringo said to have the executable catch events fired by the DLL?
Eh, but using pure VB code would involve COM/ActiveX executables would it not?
Is there any way to call a function contained within a VB6 EXE from a VB6 DLL? I've already create a Standard DLL with VB6, with exportable functions. However now, I'd like to import functions to the DLL from the loading executable. Is this possible?
Has anyone figured out how to respond to 0xAE yet? After I initially send 0x66 at the beginning of the game (as a blank packet), I get one 0xAE response, to which I respond with BYTE: 0x66 WORD: 1 BYTE: 0, and after that I get no more 0xAE messages which obviously means Battle.net isn't buying into my shit.

So, does anyone know what is to be sent back? I notice on game initialization the 0x66 packet is of size 4 bytes, and after that the average size is about 0x23. Any guesses?
Quote from: Ringo on February 23, 2006, 08:02 PM
Quote from: Elneroth on February 23, 2006, 07:46 PM
but the thing is.. when you're doing this you will not get a realm down until you disconnect from Battle.net and or get dropped.. so you can basically go on forever.
Hm, if i recall, the realm kind of *mutes* the client when it has over shot its limit, by not creating games when requested (to stop attacks via overloading servers with empty games) and/or it just always responds with blank ip, hash and token when it comes to joining, i forget now :P
I think it does both tho.

Right. You definitely can't "go on forever". Eventually the realm server starts negating its response to you requesting the game information (IP address, token, game hash, etc.).

Simmen: Your friend's bot does not prevent realm restriction. His bot does not delete the count of game information requests. His bot simply does the maximum allowed requests - and then does it all over again, many times over with different keys and/or proxies. End of story.
Quote from: Warrior on February 26, 2006, 07:19 PM
I'd suggest taking a step back and looking at it logically. What do I need to get done and how do I think the programmer did this. Familiarize yourself with a debugger and IDA. Learn simple ASM and get more complex later on etc.. this isn't something done in a few days with zero knowledge. Once you take the time to understand it, you'll have an easier time doing things like this in the future.

I already told him to do that when he messaged me individually on how to do it.
Is it possible to enable a button on another program's form? I was told that the API EnableWindow() could do this, but one of the parameters is obviously a handle. I don't know how to grab the handle of a button on a remote form. Can anyone assist?
General Discussion / Re: Just Another Linux Thread
February 22, 2006, 12:09 PM
Quote from: iago on February 22, 2006, 11:51 AM
Quote from: LivedKrad.fe on February 22, 2006, 10:11 AM
Quote from: Mangix on February 20, 2006, 05:59 PM
i don't know anything about Ubuntu but i would just like to ask you this.

in what way does this relate to Computer Support? do you need help making it dual-boot, installing it, or something else?

Perhaps you should take that inquiry to Computer Support Issues, as this is General Computing & Misc.

That's where he posted it originally.  Somebody moved it here. 

Lame. No paper trail!
General Discussion / Re: Just Another Linux Thread
February 22, 2006, 10:11 AM
Quote from: Mangix on February 20, 2006, 05:59 PM
i don't know anything about Ubuntu but i would just like to ask you this.

in what way does this relate to Computer Support? do you need help making it dual-boot, installing it, or something else?

Perhaps you should take that inquiry to Computer Support Issues, as this is General Computing & Misc.
General Discussion / Re: Protocol garbage
February 22, 2006, 09:34 AM
I haven't done any testing on whether or not this phenomenon happens on only outbound or only inbound, or both. However, I've had packets where the TCP Data segment was blank, and this "padding" was present, and then the same situtation but the "padding" was not present. Furthermore, where the data segement is of large size, (by large I mean approximately 100 bytes), I've not gotten as many nulled "footers" before I reach the end. (This could lend evidence to your theory perhaps, iago?). I suppose I could do some more testing later, LAN-specific and remote server testing.
How exactly do you know that this bot cannot be realm restricted? As Ringo said, the client requests the game hash, server IP address, and token from the server. The client will then join the game based off of this information. If what you are saying is true, then this library would have to somehow eliminate the count that Battle.net's server keeps of how many times you've requested a game's information, essentially, realm-joined it. AFAIK, there is no possible way to do this. The "dclone hunting" bot that I made worked in the same manner as Ringo's, creating a game and then querying the realm for the IP address of the newly created game, and matching it versus the last octet of a "hot IP".

Something to look into: I heard rumors of some people being able to create 3,000+ games in a single hour. The way they did this, apparently, was use a regular bot that could operate in a virtual environment, like VMWare. Sounds like complete crap to me, but eh, try it if you have time to waste.
General Discussion / Re: Protocol garbage
February 21, 2006, 12:29 PM
Quote from: Grok on February 21, 2006, 10:53 AM
TCP rides on IP packets
IP rides on Ethernet frames

I think you're looking at the protocol analyzer's view of the entire packet from the physical layer.  Is there any reason you need to examine the packet at the ethernet detail level?

I know what I'm looking at. I know what everything is. If I'm looking at the packet at the ethernet detail level, then that's what I meant to do. I would appreciate it if somone would answer my question.