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Topics - MrRaza

Computer Support Issues / Outlook PST passwords
February 19, 2010, 09:38 PM
Does anybody have a free, malware-free application that can crack PST files, an employee im providing support for forgot their password for their pst file.

Let me know!

General Discussion / Active Directory Resource Books
September 07, 2009, 09:28 PM

It's been awhile since I've last posted, just started a new job :). I was wondering if anyone here had some decent experience with MS Windows Active Directory? My computer systems technologist program taught be a fair amount, but you can only remember so much over 4 years.

Does anyone have any good sugggestions on an Active Directory Resource book? The Windows Server 2008 Resource Kit book looks good but I wasn't able to find one specifically for Windows Server 2K3, not to mention there seems to be a large amount of Active Directory books out there. So, if anyone has any suggestions, it be great to hear them!
General Discussion / Suggestion Needed
May 19, 2009, 09:02 PM
To explain the story, my girlfriend and I are rather addicted to LOST. We have most of the seasons on DVD up to season 4. I am wondering if anyone has a program that can stream video content from my girlfriends computer where she has the DVD in her DVD drive to mine so we can watch it at the same time. A lot of the time I am not in the same city as she is and am working in Toronto a lot of the time doing IT contract work.

So, I know that I could probably RDP or use some remote connect software to try and do this but I am wondering if anyone had a suggestion of a dedicated program that could do this.

So yeah... any suggestions are appreciated.
Visual Basic Programming / Need some help
March 10, 2009, 01:42 PM
I'm trying to convert a few macros to work from Word 2003 to Word 2007.

The follow code works under Word 2003.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

'Dim wdApp As Word.Application
'Set wdApp = New Word.Application

Dim subfolders As Boolean

Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyPath2 As String
Dim MyPath3 As String
Dim MyPath4 As String
Dim MyPath5 As String

Dim MyName As String

subfolders = False
MyPath = variables.formspath
MyPath2 = variables.formspath & "ACU Forms"
MyPath3 = variables.formspath & "Directors Office"
MyPath4 = variables.formspath & "Insolvency"
MyPath5 = variables.formspath & "Revenue"

'strip quotation marks from path

If Len(MyPath) = 0 Then Exit Sub

'If Asc(MyPath) = 34 Then
'MyPath = Mid$(MyPath, 2, Len(MyPath) - 2)
'End If

'========== Page 1 ====================
'get files from the selected folder path
'and insert them into the select ListBox

'MyName = Dir$(MyPath & "*.*")

CustomFindFile "*.dot", MyPath, False, 1
'========== Page 2 ====================
CustomFindFile "*.dot", MyPath2, False, 2
'========== Page 3 ====================
CustomFindFile "*.dot", MyPath3, False, 3
'========== Page 4 ====================
CustomFindFile "*.dot", MyPath4, True, 4
'========== Page 5 ====================
CustomFindFile "*.dot", MyPath5, True, 5

End Sub


Function CustomFindFile(strFileSpec As String, path As String, recursive As Boolean, vList As Integer)
Dim fsoFileSearch As FileSearch
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim insert As Boolean
Dim aSize As Long
Dim bsize As Long
Dim formFiles0() As String 'filenames
Dim formFiles1() As String 'fullpath filenames
Dim k As Integer

k = 0

Set fsoFileSearch = Application.FileSearch
With fsoFileSearch
.LookIn = path
.filename = strFileSpec
.SearchSubFolders = recursive
If .Execute() > 0 Then
    ReDim formFiles0(1 To .FoundFiles.count)
    ReDim formFiles1(1 To .FoundFiles.count)
    'assign found files to an array
    For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.count
        'strFileList = strFileList & Dir(.foundfile(i), vbDirectory) & vbCrLf
        'lstFileList.AddItem Dir(.FoundFiles(i), vbDirectory)
         If Dir(.FoundFiles(i), vbDirectory) <> "" Then
            k = k + 1
            formFiles1(k) = .FoundFiles(i)
            formFiles0(k) = Dir(.FoundFiles(i), vbDirectory)
         End If
    Next i
     'assign files to correpsonding page list
    '================== Page 1 - Operations - LIST
    If vList = 1 Then
        'remove duplicates from array of filenames
         aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, uFormFiles0)
        uFormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
        select_userForm.lstFileList.AddItem uFormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    '================== Page 2 - ACU - LIST
    ElseIf vList = 2 Then
        aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, pg2FormFiles0)
        pg2FormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
        select_userForm.lstFileList2.AddItem pg2FormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    '================== Page 3 - AM - LIST
    ElseIf vList = 3 Then
        aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, pg3FormFiles0)
        pg3FormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
        select_userForm.lstFileList3.AddItem pg3FormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    '================== Page 4 - Insolvency - LIST
    ElseIf vList = 4 Then
        aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, pg4FormFiles0)
        pg4FormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
        select_userForm.lstFileList4.AddItem pg4FormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    ElseIf vList = 5 Then
        aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, pg5FormFiles0)
        pg5FormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
        select_userForm.lstFileList5.AddItem pg5FormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    End If

End If
End With

'MsgBox strFileList

End Function

Function UniquifyStringArray(ByRef InputArray() As String, _
    ByRef UniqueArray() As String) As Long

    Dim C As New Collection
    Dim i As Long

    On Error Resume Next

    For i = LBound(InputArray) To UBound(InputArray)
        C.Add InputArray(i), InputArray(i)

    ReDim UniqueArray(1 To C.count)

    For i = 1 To C.count
        UniqueArray(i) = C(i)

    UniquifyStringArray = C.count

    Set C = Nothing
End Function

The main problem with the code is located here
in the CustomFileFind Function.

Function CustomFindFile(strFileSpec As String, path As String, recursive As Boolean, vList As Integer)
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim folder, files
Dim fileArray(1000) As String
Dim folderIdx As Variant
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, m As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Dim insert As Boolean
Dim aSize As Long
Dim bsize As Long
Dim formFiles0() As String 'filenames
Dim formFiles1() As String 'fullpath filenames
Dim k As Integer

k = 0
count = 1

'With fsoFileSearch
'.LookIn = path
'.filename = strFileSpec
'.SearchSubFolders = recursive
'If .Execute() > 0 Then

Set folder = fso.GetFolder(path)
Set files = folder.files

For Each folderIdx In files
    fileArray(count) = folderIdx.name
    count = count + 1

ReDim formFiles0(1 To count)
ReDim formFiles1(1 To count)
    'assign found files to an array
For i = 1 To count
    'strFileList = strFileList & Dir(.foundfile(i), vbDirectory) & vbCrLf
    'lstFileList.AddItem Dir(.FoundFiles(i), vbDirectory)
     If Dir(fileArray(i), vbDirectory) <> "" Then
        k = k + 1
        formFiles1(k) = fileArray(i)
        Debug.Print "testing!"
        ' skips over next debug.print... WHY?
        Debug.Print fileArray(i)
        formFiles0(k) = Dir(fileArray(i), vbDirectory)
      End If
Next i
Debug.Print "Made it to here!"
     'assign files to correpsonding page list
    '================== Page 1 - Operations - LIST
    If vList = 1 Then
        'remove duplicates from array of filenames
         aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, uFormFiles0)
        uFormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
            select_userForm.lstFileList.AddItem uFormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    '================== Page 2 - ACU - LIST
    ElseIf vList = 2 Then
        aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, pg2FormFiles0)
        pg2FormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
        select_userForm.lstFileList2.AddItem pg2FormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    '================== Page 3 - AM - LIST
    ElseIf vList = 3 Then
        aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, pg3FormFiles0)
        pg3FormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
        select_userForm.lstFileList3.AddItem pg3FormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    '================== Page 4 - Insolvency - LIST
    ElseIf vList = 4 Then
        aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, pg4FormFiles0)
        pg4FormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
        select_userForm.lstFileList4.AddItem pg4FormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    ElseIf vList = 5 Then
        aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, pg5FormFiles0)
        pg5FormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
        select_userForm.lstFileList5.AddItem pg5FormFiles0(i)
        Next i
    End If

'MsgBox strFileList

End Function

Basically since the FileSearch function is not supported in the Object Library for Word 2007, I tried to use the FileSystemObject to get a listing and a counter to count the total number of files in a specific 'path'. when I debug.printed the array that I placed each filename found, it printed out valid results. When I replaced the variable names and tried to see if I could get the same result from Word 2003, I was unsuccessful.
Once it gets past the "Made it to here!" debug.print, it tries to place those values into these values.
If vList = 1 Then
        'remove duplicates from array of filenames
         aSize = UniquifyStringArray(formFiles0, uFormFiles0)
        uFormFiles1 = formFiles1
        For i = 1 To aSize
            select_userForm.lstFileList.AddItem uFormFiles0(i)
        Next i

My code runs, but produces undesired results. Mainly, instead of placing each filename found into its respected 'tab' it places a '.'

I know the code is buggy around,

'With fsoFileSearch
'.LookIn = path
'.filename = strFileSpec
'.SearchSubFolders = recursive
'If .Execute() > 0 Then

Set folder = fso.GetFolder(path)
Set files = folder.files

For Each folderIdx In files
    fileArray(count) = folderIdx.name
    count = count + 1
    debug.print fileArray(count)

ReDim formFiles0(1 To count)
ReDim formFiles1(1 To count)
    'assign found files to an array
For i = 1 To count
    'strFileList = strFileList & Dir(.foundfile(i), vbDirectory) & vbCrLf
    'lstFileList.AddItem Dir(.FoundFiles(i), vbDirectory)
     If Dir(fileArray(i), vbDirectory) <> "" Then
        k = k + 1
        formFiles1(k) = fileArray(i)
        Debug.Print "testing!"
        ' skips over next debug.print... WHY? (doesn't print variable name)
        Debug.Print fileArray(i)
        formFiles0(k) = Dir(fileArray(i), vbDirectory)
      End If
Next i
Debug.Print "Made it to here!"

So if I can get some advice on what I am doing wrong here, it would be great! I'm not the greatest at Visual Basic, but some help would be nice.
General Discussion / Help?
February 05, 2009, 05:12 PM

I have a hard drive that I use in a laptop that I removed and plugged into a USB to laptop HD converter to remove files and manage the device on a faster computer. Anyway... once I placed the HD back into the laptop, I must of forced it into the pin slots too hard and a pin was thus bent and not allowing access to it. So I tried to bend it back gently and alas, the pin broke.. oh no.

So, what are my options here? The drive itself is fine, but now it won't sync itself with any computer because of this broken pin. I need the files located on this drive.

What should I do? Got any advice?
Since I just was hired on a Vulnerability Assessment and Auditing Specialist for a major bank, and having my own arsenal of tools, I was wonder what other useful tools or utilities the community might have, and if they wanted to list any. I'm interested to see what people come up with, especially to help me and expand what I already have. If the tools or program costs money, no problem, there's lots of money where I work to buy licenses, no pun intended.

Websites are also welcome too.

Don't mention SANS, got that one already ;)....
Anyone know where I can find a program that can limit this for Vista? Currently, I'm using BES but it only works in 2k/XP.

I'm running 7 or 8 virtual routers and switches on my desktop and would like to limit the amount of CPU usage that the program uses.

Any help would be great! I've tried to search google and technet, etc but I haven't found anything.

I'm interested in finding out some solid information on linux security solutions, and if any can point to me a highly configurable software or to some more information. PLEASE! it would help me alot.

General Discussion / FSRM Disk Quota's
January 08, 2008, 01:58 PM
I've been using the w2k3 R2 File Server Resource Management MMC, and playing around with Disk Quota's.

I was wondering if anyone with some experience with Disk Quota's has any useful templates they would like to share, as I am trying to develop some interesting and different ways to utilize the Disk Quota feature. I'm mainly interested in the Command/Script feature, using Dirquota.exe to manipulate quota's. I've been looking online but have found links to idea's I have already implemented.

If anyone has used this feature and has some interesting idea's on how to utilize it, PLEASE, post a reply.


Fun Forum™ / Chick Fight
December 27, 2007, 04:59 PM
Fun Forum™ / Spider Bite
December 27, 2007, 04:51 PM
General Discussion / Workstation Monitoring Tools
August 02, 2007, 08:40 AM
The company that I work for is looking for some sort of program that will monitor their 'Resource Center' workstations. These workstations generally have specialized software that, in normal circumstances wouldn't be on employee's computers, ie. Adobe Standard, Photoshop, HP Solutions, Scanner software, etc.

We are looking for software that will monitor who logs in and what programs are accessed the most, the amount of time spent per user logged in (weekly, monthly), which drive gets used to most, etc

If anyone has any idea's, It would help out alot.
Computer Support Issues / Regarding XP Home
May 16, 2006, 08:14 PM
Is there a way to actually change the name of an account with XP Home? I've been searching around for a way to do so, becuase i know in the professional version, you just go to admin tools then Computer Management and select local users and groups and change it from there, but with home i can find any of that besides whats displayed in the Users program thats in the control panel.

I'm just wondering this because a friend of mine does want the account Owner to have the name Owner anymore. I know you can change the name that is displayed at the Welcome screen and on the Start menu, but the User name field in the processes tab in task Manager still says Owner.

Any help would be appreciated.
Computer Support Issues / RE: ARP Process
April 27, 2006, 05:58 PM
This post is regarding the ARP process in which PC A is trying to ping PC X on a different network, also referred to as Proxy ARP, e.g

PC A -> [Router 1] -> .. -> [Router N] -> PC X

I've tried to talk to my ccna teacher about the process and etc but she only confuses me more, and the CCNA textbook doesn't really touch on the subject that much besides just a regular ARP request. So far regarding this I've come up with the following,

• The ping command is issued to PC X's IP address. In order for PC A to successfully send the packet to PC X it must send to its default gateway.
• PC A checks its ARP cache/table to see if the default gateways corresponding MAC address exists.
• The MAC address does not exist so a broadcast ARP request is sent. The London (Cisco) router recognizes the ARP request for PC X's network and sends PC A its own MAC address  as an ARP reply.
• PC A receives the default gateways MAC address and enters it into the ARP cache and forwards the packet to the London (Cisco) router.
• The London (Cisco) router forwards the packet to the Toronto (Cisco) router because it is the next hop in its routing table for the network PC X belongs to.
• Toronto (Cisco) router then forwards the packet to PC X.

My teacher says this is wrong, but I'm not certain on what is wrong or missing, If someone could enlighten me, that would be greatly appreciated.
Is there any way to prohibite a person from spreading notes to other people. I create study notes for exams for myself, and usually other people like copies, so I sell them. I'm looking for a way to send a person my notes, but making it not possible for them to simply just keep sending them to other people. I want to make it so the person who has paid, can only read it and not distribute it.

Any idea's?
Computer Support Issues / Any firewall suggestions?
January 06, 2006, 12:37 PM
I'm looking for a reliable firewall that will protect my system and also which isn't bloated with features that I dont need or with annoying GUIs.
Maybe we can 'Sticky' this, When I find helpful hints and tweaks, I will post them here, anyone else can add information as well.

The event log contains sensitive data about applications, security and system events. You don't want anyone other than administrators to have access to the logs.

System Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentContorlSet\Services\EventLog

Value Name: RestrictGuestAccess

Data Type: REG_WORD (DWORD Value)

Value: (0 = guest access, 1 - restricted access)
Anyone have this book in E-book form that will let me grab a copy off of them? I tried to get it off a Torrent, but wont work due to lack of seeders. Anyway, if you can it would help alot since I already own the second edition and dont want to fork out 100 dollars for the third edition. And I know its online, but when I have no internet and im on the bus, its great for studying.