I'm looking for source code to verify that a wc3 cd key will be accepted by the installer, in order to catch typos when people enter a key into my hosting bot.
Anyone have a link?
Anyone have a link?
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Public Function startCountdown() As Boolean
broadcastPacket(GID.START_COUNTDOWN, array(Of Byte)())
For i As Integer = 5 To 1 Step -1
say("Game starting in " + i.ToString(), Color.Red)
Next i
say("Starting Game", Color.Red)
broadcastPacket(GID.START_LOADING, array(Of Byte)())
players(0).ready = True
End Function
Public Function receive_GID_PLAYER_READY(ByVal data() As Byte) As Boolean
'this player is ready
ready = True
say(name + " is ready", Color.Blue)
If send_GID_OTHER_PLAYER_READY() = False Then Return False
'look for unready players
Dim b As Boolean = True
For Each p As BnetGamePlayer In players
If p.ready = False Then b = False : Exit For
Next p
'launch when all ready
If b Then
say("All ready", Color.Blue)
Return launchLoadedGame()
End If
Return True
End Function
Public Function launchLoadedGame() As Boolean
say("Launching", Color.Blue)
'send some game data to look good
If broadcastPacket(GID.GAME_PACKET, array(Of Byte)(&HFA, &H0)) = False Then Return False
'inform the players that you are leaving
If send_GID_PLAYER_LEFT(players(0)) = False Then Return False
'tell them the new host is the second player
If send_GID_SET_HOST(players(1)) = False Then Return False
For Each p As BnetGamePlayer In copyOfPlayers()
If Not p.socket Is Nothing Then p.socket.disconnect()
Next p
End Function
''' <summary>Computes the crc32 value for a stream of data.</summary>
''' <param name="s">The stream to read data from.</param>
''' <param name="poly">The polynomial to be used, specified in a bit pattern. (Default is CRC-32-IEEE 802.3).</param>
''' <returns>crc32 value</returns>
Public Shared Function crc32(ByVal s As Stream, Optional ByVal poly As UInteger = &H4C11DB7) As UInteger
Dim r As New BinaryReader(s)
'Precompute the combined XOR masks for each byte
Dim xorTable(0 To 255) As UInteger
For i As Integer = 0 To 255
Dim regb As Byte = CByte(i)
For j As Integer = 7 To 0 Step -1
xorTable(i) = xorTable(i) Xor ((poly << j) * (regb >> 7))
regb = (regb << 1) Xor CByte((poly >> 24) * (regb >> 7))
Next j
Next i
'Direct Table Algorithm
Dim reg As UInteger = 0
For i As Long = 0 To s.Length - 1 - s.Position
reg = (reg << 8) Xor xorTable(CInt((reg >> 24) Xor r.ReadByte()))
Next i
Return reg
End Function
Public Function getPasswordProof() As Byte()
Dim bb As Byte()
'Compute values
'strings not null terminated, is that correct?
bb = packBytes(packString(username.ToUpper()), packString(":"), packString(password.ToUpper()))
bb = SHA1(bb)
bb = packBytes(salt, bb)
bb = SHA1(bb)
Dim x As BigNum = New BigNum(bb)
Dim v As BigNum = G.powerMod(x, N)
bb = SHA1(remoteKey.bytes)
bb = chopBytes(bb, 4)(0)
Dim u As BigNum = New BigNum(bb)
Dim S As BigNum = ((N + remoteKey - v) Mod N).powerMod(privateKey + u * x, N)
'Separate S into odd and even bytes
Dim bb1(0 To 15) As Byte, bb2(0 To 15) As Byte
For i As Integer = 0 To 15
bb1(i) = S.byteVal(2 * i)
bb2(i) = S.byteVal(2 * i + 1)
Next i
'Hash the odds and the evens
bb1 = SHA1(bb1)
bb2 = SHA1(bb2)
Dim K(0 To 19) As Byte
'Put evens to evens and odds to odds
For i As Integer = 0 To 9
'I assumed 'combine the buffers' meant this, but it could mean a ton of other things
K(2 * i) = bb1(2 * i)
K(2 * i + 1) = bb2(2 * i + 1)
Next i
'Xor the hashes of G and N together
bb1 = SHA1(G.bytes)
bb2 = SHA1(N.bytes)
For i As Integer = 0 To bb1.Length - 1
bb1(i) = bb1(i) Xor bb2(i)
Next i
'Get the full hash
bb = SHA1(packString(username.ToUpper()))
bb = packBytes(bb1, bb, salt, publicKey.bytes, remoteKey.bytes, k)
bb = SHA1(bb)
Return bb
End Function
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