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Topics - Joe[x86]

First, this board needs a ruby forum. I write lots of things that I find kinda neat that I hope other people could use.

Code: https://gist.github.com/940265

Basically, I want to be able to search a file or files without having to open them, such as in a compile script or whatnot. Generally, it's for the words "to do" or something like that, to remind myself that I still need to do something.

Consider this test file:
[william@NCC-1701 ~/Dropbox]$ cat /tmp/filewithtokens
this is a test file
some of these lines have no tokens
but other lines do have to do tokens
like that one, but not this one

If I want to test it for the default tokens, I can do this:
[william@NCC-1701 ~]$ tokenls /tmp/filewithtokens
/tmp/filewithtokens:3: but other lines do have to do tokens

Perhaps you want to keep a really simple calendar:
[william@NCC-1701 ~]$ cat /tmp/appointments
2011/04/23 5:30PM Do something
2011/04/26 5:30PM Do something else

What do you have to do on the 26th?
[william@NCC-1701 ~]$ tokenls --tokens=2011/04/26 /tmp/appointments
/tmp/appointments:2: 2011/04/26 5:30PM Do something else

All the token checking is case insensitive, which I think is better since this was intended for code. If anyone has any ideas on how this could be made better, let me know. :)
General Discussion / Happy easter!
April 24, 2011, 01:59 AM

I'm drinking and playing SC2. Then I'm going to go to bed, wake up, eat, and probably drink and play SC2.

How 'bout you?
Trash Can / Re: Re:Go Kerry. Go away, Bush.
April 21, 2011, 03:57 AM
I'm two-year bumping the four-year bump, which doesn't count as a bump since it was only the third topic down or so.
Yoni's Math Forum / Let's be rational here
June 24, 2008, 02:38 PM
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: My First Bot
April 26, 2008, 01:26 AM

I think I made progress, but can anyone tell me what it means to hash a CD-key?
Warcraft / Another Valhalla Legend appears..
October 07, 2007, 06:30 PM

Told you Grok was an Ogre.
BnetDocs Research and Discussion / BnetDocs: Redux?
September 02, 2007, 01:53 PM
Has Arta stated that this is the new official BnetDocs? Until he officially says that, you should stop advertising it as official, and from what I've seen, he hasn't.
I'm running Ubuntu Linux, Dapper Drake on one machine, and Windows XP Pro on another machine. Currently, the Windows machine is routing connections, however very soon I'm getting broadband and an actual router will be doing this. For the time being, is there any simple way to make the Windows machine give the Linux machine a static IP address? Re-configuring my port routing rules every time a machine reboots or does something funny is a royal pain.
I'm not old enough to remember any of this, but back in the original days of Diablo, did Battle.net support IRC clients? I know Telnet was dropped recently, but there's been some commotion about whether or not IRC was actually supported, since a few old bots (I can't cite any off-hand) supported it as a client.
Spht's Forum / Male or female?
May 01, 2007, 07:20 PM
I guess I've always just assumed Spht was so manly he had to be a man, but this reminded me that (s)he never clearly told us.

Let's end the questioning. What is a Spht?
People have started reporting failed passwords being sent to Battle.net with JavaOp2 lately, raising this question in my mind:

Before hashing the password, is there anything that needs to be done to it? They're reporting mixed-cases failing, and my password works but is all lowercase. I'm inferring that it needs to be put to lowercase before hashing. Is this correct?
BnetDocs Research and Discussion / Language ID
February 23, 2007, 03:13 AM
BnetDocs is down so I can't find it right now, but in C>S theres a Language ID field marked "under research".

I'm not sure what you guys have for leads on it right now, but war3.mpq\config.txt includes this:

// Set the LANGID in [Game] to one of these unquoted constants:
//  English (US)            = 0x00000409
//  English (UK)            = 0x00000809
//  French                  = 0x0000040c
//  German                  = 0x00000407
//  Spanish                 = 0x0000040a
//  Italian                 = 0x00000410
//  Czech                   = 0x00000405
//  Russian                 = 0x00000419
//  Polish                  = 0x00000415
//  Portuguese (Brazilian)  = 0x00000416
//  Portuguese (Portugal)   = 0x00000816
//  Turkish                 = 0x0000041f
//  Japanese                = 0x00000411
//  Korean                  = 0x00000412
//  Chinese (Traditional)   = 0x00000404
//  Chinese (Simplified)    = 0x00000804
//  Thai                    = 0x0000041e
// Note: Do NOT quote the constant!


// Set the LANGID in [Battle.net] to one of these single-quoted strings:
//  English (US)            = 'enUS'
//  English (UK)            = 'enGB'
//  French                  = 'frFR'
//  German                  = 'deDE'
//  Spanish                 = 'esES'
//  Italian                 = 'itIT'
//  Czech                   = 'csCZ'
//  Russian                 = 'ruRU'
//  Polish                  = 'plPL'
//  Portuguese (Brazilian)  = 'ptBR'
//  Portuguese (Portugal)   = 'ptPT'
//  Turkish                 = 'tkTK'
//  Japanese                = 'jaJA'
//  Korean                  = 'koKR'
//  Chinese (Traditional)   = 'zhTW'
//  Chinese (Simplified)    = 'zhCN'
//  Thai                    = 'thTH'
// Note: You MUST single-quote the string!


I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but it could be.
You're going to call me a dumbass for this, I just know it, but how the fuck are you supposed to load a library (say, lockdown-IX86-08.dll) at any given time, find a function (say, CheckRevision), and execute that function?

The obvious answer is LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress, but you can't map GetProcAddress back to a callable function in C# (or can you?).

Also, how am I supposed to change a String to a char*? And an int to a LPDWORD? CheckRevision, from the DLL, expects pointers to a char array, as well as a ByReference DWORD for checksum and a ByReference char array for the version check statstring (formerly, exeinfo).

Thanks for any help. :)
General Discussion / New board and processor
February 21, 2007, 10:32 AM

How do these rate for overclocking? I don't plan on doing it right away, but as I get closer to buying an even newer machine (a few years down the road) and don't mind cutting a few years from it's life by overvolting it or something, I'd like the feature to be there.
I've tried with both 0x09 and 0x1A, on both USEast and USWest, each time failing. Here's a packet-log from a USEast attempt with 0x09. [Note that the packet data starts at 0x36]

Client to BNET
0000   00 14 6c a6 ed b8 00 0d 56 64 36 9f 08 00 45 00  ..l.....Vd6...E.
0010   00 29 02 f2 40 00 80 06 2b c0 c0 a8 01 02 3f f0  .)..@...+.....?.
0020   ca 82 0e 48 17 e0 b5 f6 a5 2e 22 29 4c 60 50 18  ...H......")L`P.
0030   45 10 ad c7 00 00 01                             E......

Client to BNLS
0000   00 14 6c a6 ed b8 00 0d 56 64 36 9f 08 00 45 00  ..l.....Vd6...E.
0010   00 2f 02 f6 40 00 80 06 3e ba c0 a8 01 02 3f a1  ./..@...>.....?.
0020   b7 cd 0e 49 24 97 24 7b 40 08 4c e2 45 23 50 18  ...I$.${@.L.E#P.
0030   45 10 71 31 00 00 07 00 10 02 00 00 00           E.q1.........

BNLS to Client
0000   00 0d 56 64 36 9f 00 14 6c a6 ed b8 08 00 45 00  ..Vd6...l.....E.
0010   00 33 e4 66 40 00 6f 06 6e 45 3f a1 b7 cd c0 a8  [email protected]?.....
0020   01 02 24 97 0e 49 4c e2 45 23 24 7b 40 0f 50 18  ..$..IL.E#${@.P.
0030   ff f8 b1 6e 00 00 0b 00 10 02 00 00 00 cf 00 00  ...n............
0040   00                                               .

Client to BNET
0000   00 14 6c a6 ed b8 00 0d 56 64 36 9f 08 00 45 00  ..l.....Vd6...E.
0010   00 5b 02 f7 40 00 80 06 2b 89 c0 a8 01 02 3f f0  .[..@...+.....?.
0020   ca 82 0e 48 17 e0 b5 f6 a5 2f 22 29 4c 60 50 18  ...H...../")L`P.
0030   45 10 c1 af 00 00 ff 50 33 00 00 00 00 00 36 38  E......P3.....68
0040   58 49 50 58 45 53 cf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  XIPXES..........
0050   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 43 41  ..............CA
0060   4e 00 63 61 6e 61 64 61 00                       N.canada.

BNET to Client
0000   00 0d 56 64 36 9f 00 14 6c a6 ed b8 08 00 45 00  ..Vd6...l.....E.
0010   00 30 e4 6b 00 00 73 06 97 3f 3f f0 ca 82 c0 a8  .0.k..s..??.....
0020   01 02 17 e0 0e 48 22 29 4c 60 b5 f6 a5 62 50 18  .....H")L`...bP.
0030   ff cb 20 a0 00 00 ff 25 08 00 e0 bd eb 4c        .. ....%.....L

Client to BNET
0000   00 14 6c a6 ed b8 00 0d 56 64 36 9f 08 00 45 00  ..l.....Vd6...E.
0010   00 30 02 fa 40 00 80 06 2b b1 c0 a8 01 02 3f f0  .0..@...+.....?.
0020   ca 82 0e 48 17 e0 b5 f6 a5 62 22 29 4c 68 50 18  ...H.....b")LhP.
0030   45 08 db 5b 00 00 ff 25 08 00 e0 bd eb 4c        E..[...%.....L

BNET to Client
0000   00 0d 56 64 36 9f 00 14 6c a6 ed b8 08 00 45 00  ..Vd6...l.....E.
0010   00 66 e4 6c 00 00 73 06 97 08 3f f0 ca 82 c0 a8  .f.l..s...?.....
0020   01 02 17 e0 0e 48 22 29 4c 68 b5 f6 a5 62 50 18  .....H")Lh...bP.
0030   ff cb 80 8d 00 00 ff 50 3e 00 00 00 00 00 9b 21  .......P>......!
0040   7c 94 ef 63 21 00 00 6e bc de 72 fc c6 01 6c 6f  |..c!..n..r...lo
0050   63 6b 64 6f 77 6e 2d 49 58 38 36 2d 31 35 2e 6d  ckdown-IX86-15.m
0060   70 71 00 3d 24 c7 41 b7 21 70 e8 63 84 b0 9e 61  pq.=$.A.!p.c...a
0070   5d 31 ef 00                                      ]1..

Client to BNLS
0000   00 14 6c a6 ed b8 00 0d 56 64 36 9f 08 00 45 00  ..l.....Vd6...E.
0010   00 44 03 03 40 00 80 06 3e 98 c0 a8 01 02 3f a1  .D..@...>.....?.
0020   b7 cd 0e 4a 24 97 d9 b5 41 ba d8 62 cd 33 50 18  ...J$...A..b.3P.
0030   45 10 b7 2d 00 00 1c 00 09 02 00 00 00 0f 00 00  E..-............
0040   00 3d 24 3f 41 3f 21 70 3f 63 3f 3f 3f 61 5d 31  .=$?A?!p?c???a]1
0050   3f 00                                            ?.

BNLS to Client
0000   00 0d 56 64 36 9f 00 14 6c a6 ed b8 08 00 45 00  ..Vd6...l.....E.
0010   00 48 e4 7b 40 00 6f 06 6e 1b 3f a1 b7 cd c0 a8  .H.{@.o.n.?.....
0020   01 02 24 97 0e 4a d8 62 cd 33 d9 b5 41 d6 50 18  ..$..J.b.3..A.P.
0030   ff e3 f2 fa 00 00 20 00 09 01 00 00 00 01 00 0e  ...... .........
0040   01 bc d5 d0 40 04 39 44 01 ef 4f 7c 98 c4 2b 6c  [email protected]|..+l
0050   81 09 c3 25 3c 00                                ...%<.

Client to BNET
0000   00 14 6c a6 ed b8 00 0d 56 64 36 9f 08 00 45 00  ..l.....Vd6...E.
0010   00 84 03 04 40 00 80 06 2b 53 c0 a8 01 02 3f f0  ....@...+S....?.
0020   ca 82 0e 48 17 e0 b5 f6 a5 6a 22 29 4c a6 50 18  ...H.....j")L.P.
0030   44 ca 4d 25 00 00 ff 51 5c 00 d9 4f 2f 27 01 00  D.M%...Q\..O/'..
0040   0e 01 bc d5 d0 40 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0d 00  .....@..........
0050   00 00 02 00 00 00 25 51 4d 00 00 00 00 00 83 13  ......%QM.......
0060   5b fd 59 24 4a a2 c0 20 e9 36 d0 05 8d ff 7d 0b  [.Y$J.. .6....}.
0070   19 6d 04 39 44 01 ef 4f 7c dc c4 2b 6c fd 09 c3  .m.9D..O|..+l...
0080   25 3c 00 77 77 77 2e 4a 61 76 61 4f 70 2e 63 6f  %<.www.JavaOp.co
0090   6d 00                                            m.

BNET to Client
0000   00 0d 56 64 36 9f 00 14 6c a6 ed b8 08 00 45 00  ..Vd6...l.....E.
0010   00 31 e4 7f 00 00 73 06 97 2a 3f f0 ca 82 c0 a8  .1....s..*?.....
0020   01 02 17 e0 0e 48 22 29 4c a6 b5 f6 a5 c6 50 18  .....H")L.....P.
0030   ff 67 ea 36 00 00 ff 51 09 00 01 01 00 00 00     .g.6...Q.......

I am completely confused as to what is going wrong. If you'd like a packet log of me using 0x1A, I'll get you one on request.
Sometimes I'll pass version check and sometimes I'll fail. I've noticed that I pass with strings in the format of A, B, C, but fail otherwise.

D2DV - A=1691771723 B=499413582 C=3176971077 4 A=A^S B=B-C C=C+A A=A+B
D2DV - C=4209511178 A=1599935175 B=2222117265 4 A=A-S B=B+C C=C+A A=A+B, ver-IX86-7.mpq, Tue Aug 29 13:32:34 CDT 2006
D2DV - C=1780907028 A=1135027856 B=3032972272 4 A=A+S B=B-C C=C-A A=A+B, ver-IX86-2.mpq, Tue Aug 29, 13:32:32 CDT 2006
D2DV - C=1845449776 A=2857282950 B=2750780363 4 A=A^S B=B-C C=C^A A=A^B, ver-IX86-5.mpq, Tue Aug 29 13:32:34 CDT 2006

D2DV - B=3773000283 A=3773514399 C=3698648342 4 A=A^S B=B^C C=C-A A=A^B
D2DV - C=1080564594 B=2654884317 A=3494851214 4 A=A+S B=B+C C=C^A A=A-B
D2DV - B=3913067060 C=1608853434 A=2046917683 4 A=A-S B=B^C C=C^A A=A-B, ver-IX86-6.mpq, Tue Aug 29 13:32:34 CDT 2006

Is anyone else noticing this behavior?

Perhaps I'm not sending something correctly, and it's coincidental that I even pass at all?

Diablo II (Pass):
ff 50 68 00 00 00 00 00 1a c4 24 6f 31 55 21 00         .Ph.......$o1U!.
00 20 58 7d 99 cb c6 01 76 65 72 2d 49 58 38 36         . X}....ver-IX86
2d 32 2e 6d 70 71 00 43 3d 31 37 38 30 39 30 37         -2.mpq.C=1780907
30 32 38 20 41 3d 31 31 33 35 30 32 37 38 35 36         028 A=1135027856
20 42 3d 33 30 33 32 39 37 32 32 37 32 20 34 20          B=3032972272 4
41 3d 41 2b 53 20 42 3d 42 2d 43 20 43 3d 43 2d         A=A+S B=B-C C=C-
41 20 41 3d 41 2b 42 00                                 A A=A+B.
Length: 104

67 00 1a 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00         g...............
20 58 7d 99 cb c6 01 76 65 72 2d 49 58 38 36 2d          X}....ver-IX86-
32 2e 6d 70 71 00 43 3d 31 37 38 30 39 30 37 30         2.mpq.C=17809070
32 38 20 41 3d 31 31 33 35 30 32 37 38 35 36 20         28 A=1135027856
42 3d 33 30 33 32 39 37 32 32 37 32 20 34 20 41         B=3032972272 4 A
3d 41 2b 53 20 42 3d 42 2d 43 20 43 3d 43 2d 41         =A+S B=B-C C=C-A
20 41 3d 41 2b 42 00                                     A=A+B.
Length: 103

3a 00 1a 01 00 00 00 00 0b 00 01 3c d9 b1 b7 47         :..........<...G
61 6d 65 2e 65 78 65 20 30 38 2f 31 37 2f 30 35         ame.exe 08/17/05
20 30 31 3a 31 31 3a 34 33 20 32 31 32 35 38 32          01:11:43 212582
34 00 00 00 00 00 0b 00 00 00                           4.........
Length: 58

ff 51 6e 00 ad 42 b3 4f 00 0b 00 01 3c d9 b1 b7         .Qn..B.O....<...
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --         ................
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- f8 ed dc 01 45 d5 5d 71         ............E.]q
7e 13 88 04 d1 d4 72 06 19 59 93 3a 47 61 6d 65         ~.....r..Y.:Game
2e 65 78 65 20 30 38 2f 31 37 2f 30 35 20 30 31         .exe 08/17/05 01
3a 31 31 3a 34 33 20 32 31 32 35 38 32 34 00 77         :11:43 2125824.w
77 77 2e 4a 61 76 61 4f 70 2e 63 6f 6d 00               ww.JavaOp.com.
Length: 110

Brood War (fail):
ff 50 3e 00 00 00 00 00 35 71 21 c5 7d 21 27 00         .P>.....5q!.}!'.
00 55 2a bc 72 fc c6 01 6c 6f 63 6b 64 6f 77 6e         .U*.r...lockdown
2d 49 58 38 36 2d 30 31 2e 6d 70 71 00 32 51 51         -IX86-01.mpq.2QQ
56 ef be 68 f7 2f f2 46 ac 87 09 0d ab 00               V..h./.F......
Length: 62

3d 00 1a 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00         =...............
55 2a bc 72 fc c6 01 6c 6f 63 6b 64 6f 77 6e 2d         U*.r...lockdown-
49 58 38 36 2d 30 31 2e 6d 70 71 00 32 51 51 56         IX86-01.mpq.2QQV
ef be 68 f7 2f f2 46 ac 87 09 0d ab 00                  ..h./.F......
Length: 61

28 00 1a 01 00 00 00 01 00 0e 01 3d a7 0f 28 a2         (..........=..(.
c9 1f b8 59 07 76 6f a7 cd 35 18 21 42 b1 7e 00         ...Y.vo..5.!B.~.
00 00 00 00 cf 00 00 00                                 ........
Length: 40

ff 51 5c 00 01 07 10 4b 01 00 0e 01 3d a7 0f 28         .Q\....K....=..(
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --         ................
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- d6 7a 20 3a 43 87 8e 99         .........z :C...
c2 40 95 9d 9e 11 d5 7c 58 c2 92 38 a2 c9 1f b8         .@.....|X..8....
59 07 76 6f a7 cd 35 18 21 42 b1 7e 00 77 77 77         Y.vo..5.!B.~.www
2e 4a 61 76 61 4f 70 2e 63 6f 6d 00                     .JavaOp.com.
Length: 92

Diablo II (Fail):
ff 50 68 00 00 00 00 00 06 8b d6 7e 01 76 25 00         .Ph........~.v%.
00 4d 89 7e 99 cb c6 01 76 65 72 2d 49 58 38 36         .M.~....ver-IX86
2d 36 2e 6d 70 71 00 42 3d 33 39 31 33 30 36 37         -6.mpq.B=3913067
30 36 30 20 43 3d 31 36 30 38 38 35 33 34 33 34         060 C=1608853434
20 41 3d 32 30 34 36 39 31 37 36 38 33 20 34 20          A=2046917683 4
41 3d 41 2d 53 20 42 3d 42 5e 43 20 43 3d 43 5e         A=A-S B=B^C C=C^
41 20 41 3d 41 2d 42 00                                 A A=A-B.
Length: 104

67 00 1a 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00         g...............
4d 89 7e 99 cb c6 01 76 65 72 2d 49 58 38 36 2d         M.~....ver-IX86-
36 2e 6d 70 71 00 42 3d 33 39 31 33 30 36 37 30         6.mpq.B=39130670
36 30 20 43 3d 31 36 30 38 38 35 33 34 33 34 20         60 C=1608853434
41 3d 32 30 34 36 39 31 37 36 38 33 20 34 20 41         A=2046917683 4 A
3d 41 2d 53 20 42 3d 42 5e 43 20 43 3d 43 5e 41         =A-S B=B^C C=C^A
20 41 3d 41 2d 42 00                                     A=A-B.
Length: 103

3a 00 1a 01 00 00 00 00 0b 00 01 a2 52 76 0a 47         :...........Rv.G
61 6d 65 2e 65 78 65 20 30 38 2f 31 37 2f 30 35         ame.exe 08/17/05
20 30 31 3a 31 31 3a 34 33 20 32 31 32 35 38 32          01:11:43 212582
34 00 00 00 00 00 0b 00 00 00                           4.........
Length: 58

ff 51 6e 00 11 09 a2 7a 00 0b 00 01 a2 52 76 0a         .Qn....z.....Rv.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --         ................
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- af 04 22 cd c1 ac f3 04         ..........".....
6d e7 39 98 98 8a d4 2c 04 16 a2 3b 47 61 6d 65         m.9....,...;Game
2e 65 78 65 20 30 38 2f 31 37 2f 30 35 20 30 31         .exe 08/17/05 01
3a 31 31 3a 34 33 20 32 31 32 35 38 32 34 00 77         :11:43 2125824.w
77 77 2e 4a 61 76 61 4f 70 2e 63 6f 6d 00               ww.JavaOp.com.
Length: 110
Thing-O-Rama ™ / Dead or paralyzed?
January 12, 2007, 10:17 AM
This question has been debated over in the back of my head several times since an inservice at work where we discussed spinal injury CPR and backboarding, and the manager stated that the Red Cross puts more priority on them surviving than them not having a broken back, so he said we would not tie them down to the backboard, but get them out of the water as quickly as possible to begin CPR.

Not that what you say here matters to them anyhow, but would you rather be properly backboarded and run the risk of death, or be improprerly backboarded and run the risk of paralysis?
Um.. this is a dumb question, but where is this setting in Windows 98, if anyone still uses that? :-\
For a project I'm making, there's a glue class between some plugin DLL's and the main program itself. The glue class will have an Initialize function where several things, primarily a reference to the socket in use, and the AddressOf to the AddChat procedure, will be passed.

From there, though, I'd like to include an AddChat procedure in that class which will call the AddressOf that was passed to it in Initialize, thus calling the real AddChat.

Does anyone know how to do this?
Computer Support Issues / Novell Login System
November 29, 2006, 10:55 PM
My school's computer system uses some sort of Novell system, running on top of XP Pro, for managing student's documents / internet priveliges. I have a legit account on this network.

Whenever I take my laptop to school and plug it into a stray ethernet cable (of course with the teachers permission), I'm able to resolve but not connect / transfer via UDP. Example, I can run ping on google, resolve it to an IP address and start sending packets, but I'm unable to get data.

Do you know any way I can authorize with the system and be allowed to use the network?