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Messages - Mephisto

General Discussion / Re: Happy 4/20
April 21, 2006, 12:45 PM
Quote from: Newby on April 20, 2006, 09:04 PM
Quote from: Mephisto on April 20, 2006, 06:14 PM

You're so cool, smoking pot. I envy you.

Just kidding. You're a trendwhore and a poser. Congrats.

Stoners who smoke on 4/20 purely because it's 4/20 and not because they enjoy it are not stoners. They're simply posers.

And it would appear that since you're not a hardcore stoner, you're going along with the stupid trend.

Since I think 4/20 and smoking in general are stupid, I'm gonna not even bother checking up on responses. =P

I feel sorry for you if you act like this to everyone who smokes marijuana (even occasionally or once, like you did~).

And FYI, I enjoy it, and I seriously doubt people who don't enjoy marijuana will smoke it on 420, or even know the meaning of 420, idiot.

And yeah, you're really mature, make a statement and back off.  KK
General Discussion / Happy 4/20
April 20, 2006, 06:14 PM
General Discussion / Re: It's just a plant...
April 20, 2006, 03:02 PM
Quote from: Newby on April 20, 2006, 08:41 AM
Quote from: Mephisto on April 19, 2006, 10:02 PM
Quote from: Newby on April 19, 2006, 06:15 PM
Mephisto is a pothead? Or just a pot-supporting hippie? :p

I don't smoke weed every day ... but what's wrong with smoking it @ parties or w/ friends?  or at work ... zzz

It's stupid, either way. I've tried it. It's no fun whatsoever. I'd rather drink.

You should try smoking it the right way then.  The first time I tried it I thought it was retarded because it turned out I wasn't smoking the "right way."  Best to start with a pipe, IMO.  ;)

But seriously, I'm a "responsible" pot smoker.  I don't do it everyday, just at parties or with friend get togethers.  It hasn't destroyed my ambitions (see my college posts) and I consider myself to have a successful life so far (friends, sports, part time job, car, future plans, etc.).  Pot is great for just relaxing and easing the stress, which frankly is very welcomed in my busy life (as with other people).

Face it, it doesn't matter what you do about marijuana unless you flat out make it a capital offense and set out on search and destroy missions of the plant, it's going to remain part of America (and other parts of the world).  I know many family members that smoke it occasionally, and a lot of people I know have family members that do (in fact, I got high the first time from my friend's Mom when I was 13 :p), and the majority of them are successful people.  Meh..
I believe I wrote the expressions wrong.  I meant for the 'e' to be scientific notation, which I believe is a cap 'E.'  ~sorry

But I got the answers I needed, thx anyways:)
I'm not trying to match data to what it should be... I simple want the answer to these expressions...sheesh.  The online calculators don't yield the same results as Ti calculators (floating point precision) and thus I really need a Ti calculator for these which have higher precision with floating points.
Yoni's Math Forum / Simple math expressions...
April 19, 2006, 10:22 PM
For some reason I keep getting different answers with different online calculators I'm using, so I just want a definitive answer from a TI-83 (or something similar) calculator which I would use if I had...

(4.131e-5) / (9.58e-4 * 3.58e-4) = ?
(6.579e-5) / (9.34e-4 * 5.34e-4) = ?
(9.486e-5) / (9.05e-4 * 7.05e-4) = ?
(1.097e-4) / (8.90e-4 * 8.90e-4) = ?

If you're curious, I'm calculating equilibrium constants from my lab.  The most ideal results of these calculations would for these to all be the same (they're the concentrations of all the ions in equilibrium of the 4 different equilibrium systems setup).
General Discussion / Re: It's just a plant...
April 19, 2006, 10:02 PM
Quote from: Newby on April 19, 2006, 06:15 PM
Mephisto is a pothead? Or just a pot-supporting hippie? :p

I don't smoke weed every day ... but what's wrong with smoking it @ parties or w/ friends?  or at work ... zzz
Quote from: CrAz3D on April 18, 2006, 05:26 PM
-Woman's right to choose (I don't believe in this, might someone else be able to back it up)?

It's the woman's body and thus I believe it is their decision to determine whether they want to go through pregnancy or to end it.

Obviously this conflict on abortion comes down to moral legality, whether or not it is right or wrong to terminate an unborn child.  My opinion is that since the unborn child is not developed and is not aware of its being, it does not constitute being a human victim of murder by law.  I think though, that it is a good idea to ban abortion after the first trimester, but before it is okay, just based on development of the fetus and how much of an actual human being it is.
Politics / Re: Illegal Immigrants
April 10, 2006, 06:46 PM
The Senate proposal I mentioned earlier was passed last week some time while the strict House of Representative legislation is still in debate, though it seems unlikely at this point it has a chance of passing in the Senate.
You provoked that immature response from me when you made an immature response about me, are we settled now?  & yes, I value your opinion, thank you.
Quote from: Rule on April 08, 2006, 07:16 PM
Quote from: Forged on April 08, 2006, 06:06 PM
I haven't looked into it much but I am fairly sure it would only be an extra 3 years of college tops to get an mba.

Yes, at most 3 years.  Probably closer to 1 year if you're motivated.  No idea where you get the idea of a 6 years masters from, for any program in any discipline.

Well I assumed a Masters takes ~6 years to complete (4 years for a BA + an additional 2 years for a Masters).  I'm not very well informed on cutting down on time to get degrees though...Then again, I don't want to compress everything down into a small amount of time to complete a lot, since in my opinion, a big part of college is partying and just having a great time (a second high school, but funner & more serious academically (but more fun since it's your interests)), and I wouldn't want to have to be a bookworm day and night just to get passing grades... :)
Quote from: Forged on April 08, 2006, 01:54 PM
major in something you find fun and then get an mba in grad school.

So get a BA in a subject I like (4 years) & an MA in Business Administration (6 years)?  I don't really want to spend all the money needed to do that + 10 years in college.
Look, it doesn't really matter since Corporal punishment will never be instituted in public schools again.  Do you honestly think if it was that a student would accept the punishment?  They'd probably fight back with the teacher if anything.
LOL @ uniforms, wow...I can't believe there's actually teenagers that exist who would want school uniforms...tsk tsk