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Topics - RealityRipple

Diablo / Diablo 1 in Private Channels
April 27, 2012, 08:15 AM
For shits and giggles, I created a client proxy for Diablo 1 that turns its packets into W2BN (really easy since they're identical except for SID_CDKEY2).

Currently, it can enter private channels, host and join D1 games seamlessly, and all that jazz.

I've been doing some documentation of SC2's protocol with help from HDX and a few other resources, which I'll release when I have more, clearer information, but for now, here's some tools that may help you, if you'd care:


BitSnoopy = A tool I wrote to help analyze BNet2 protocol packets. It will display a packet log as bits, and lets you select some of those bits and displays their decimal, hexadecimal, and textual value.
sc2ldr/sc2hook = HDX wrote this nifty little tool to launch SC2 and hook a couple functions so you can print out the Session Key for decoding the encrypted part of packet logs.
ArrC4 = Another tool I wrote, this time to convert encrypted packets to their decrypted value given the Session Key.

All three have bugs, and only some of BitSnoopy's searching features work.
Happy logging.
Battle.net / Ads Disabled
October 02, 2011, 04:15 AM
Advertisements have been disabled on East, West, and Europe gateways, both in classic bnet packets and WAR3's third party ad thing. Asia remains fully enabled. Sounds like they're slowly disassembling bnet1 in preparation for either a move or a drop.