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Topics - Sixen

Battle.net / Battle.net 1.0 Server Updates
May 25, 2012, 03:55 PM
Thought this post might be of interest to some of you... Or not.
QuoteOur legacy Battle.net team is in the process of upgrading the hardware that runs StarCraft, Warcraft II, Warcraft III, and Diablo II. The new servers are of similar specification and ability, but running on a smaller form factor, and modern and more maintainable hardware. Before we roll these out we'll first be testing the new hardware on a Public Test Realm (PTR) called Stratholme in Warcraft III, and US Test in all other titles. To ensure the latest data is available on the PTR to facilitate testing, we'll be copying data from Azeroth/USEast which will mean an approximate four hour downtime the morning of May 29.

~9:30 a.m. PDT, May 29 – Azeroth/USEast unavailable for four hours to copy data to PTR
~1:00 p.m. PDT, May 29 – Azeroth/USEast returns, and Stratholme/US Test becomes available for testing with copied data

We anticipate an approximate one to two week testing period of the new hardware, and appreciate your assistance in logging in, playing a bit, and letting us know how it goes. We'll be creating a new PTR Feedback forum (http://forums.battle.net/index.html?sid=3000) shortly before maintenance on May 29.

We'll be rolling out the new hardware to Azeroth/USEast first, and will provide further information once we're ready to begin transitioning over.
Diablo / D3 Community Site Online
August 24, 2011, 04:22 AM
The new D3 site is up now, Beta is going to be before September 30th.
StarCraft / SC2 Live Friends List
April 18, 2011, 04:34 AM
Since this was lost with the forum transfer, i'll start it up.

Sixen.935 @ NA
Battle.net / Battle.net 2.0 BlizzCon '09 Panel
August 24, 2009, 12:12 AM
Some of you may want to check it out.

Pretty interesting ideas.. They're completely removing the Channel system and making it IM-based.
Is it possible to force an e-mail registration upon login through Legacy Clients (DRTL/DSHR/JSTR/SSHR/W2BN)?
General Discussion / Happy Holidays~
December 25, 2008, 11:44 AM
Spht's Forum / ISO ClanGnome website update
September 29, 2008, 01:50 PM
Battle.net / World of Warcraft "Battle.net.dll"
September 28, 2008, 05:59 AM
Anyone got any idea what it does...? And if you don't anyone want to take a crack at it?

It can be found in the World of Warcraft Public Test folder or WotLK Beta if you're in it. They're both the same version. Grabbed this from the PTR folder, just in case though.

EDIT 8/30/09: The new version has been uploaded.
Battle.net Bot Development / D1GS?
August 20, 2008, 10:23 PM
Is there any documentation on the Diablo 1 Gameserver? Just... Curious.
So hmph? Is it possible? Here's the current code i've got that fills the information for everything else, however if the field is masked then I cannot input text into the textbox this way. If it matters, the issue is the password textbox.

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
        Dim Gateway As String
        Dim Account As String
        Dim Password As String
        Dim Subject As String
        Dim Body As String
        Dim Signature As String
        Dim URL As String
        Dim flags As Long
        Dim targetFrame As String
        Dim Postdata() As Byte
        Dim Headers As String

        Gateway = cbGateway.Text
        Account = txtAccount.Text
        Password = txtPassword.Text
        Subject = txtSubject.Text
        Body = txtBody.Text
        Signature = chkSignature.Value

        URL = txtURL.Text
        targetFrame = ""
        Postdata = "Cluster=" & Gateway & "&Account=" & Account & "&Password=" & Password & "&Subject=" & Subject & "&Body=" & Body & "&AutoSignature=" & Signature
        Postdata = StrConv(Postdata, vbFromUnicode)
        Headers = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded " & vbCrLf
        WebBrowser1.Navigate URL, flags, targetFrame, Postdata, Headers
End Sub
Apparently he's bugged...
Hmmmm.. Wasn't really sure where to put this, so here it is. It was either here or the BnetDocs research forum, ahwell. Has anyone ever tried to ping themselves in "warez"? Apparently no matter what your ping is -3, any ideas why? :/.
Alright, so I understand how to receive it, as I am doing so. My only problem is getting it's length for decompression. You need to have the Character name and the Chat Message, but i'm not exactly sure as to how I would go about "extracting" this information. If anyone would be so kind as to help.. And, if it makes any difference, i'm using DM's PacketBuffer, ^_^.
Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay.. Their are many different things you can read about or discuss here, just look around a bit, ^_^.

Some rules:
1) Play nice! Don't flame newcomers, that's just mean, :(.
2) Try to keep posts here about introductions, about yourselves, etc. If you want to discuss anything else, there are specific forums for them.
3) Don't stay as a Guest! Register!
4) That's really about it...

If you're new to our forums, tell everyone who you are in this area. Give us an idea of your background, where you live, what your primary language is (spoken or programming), hobbies and interests.
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / /whois Sixen
July 10, 2007, 02:56 PM
Alright, so, for those of you who don't know me, I give Tech Support in the Battle.net Forums and in the Battle.net channels on USWest. Also, i'm a member of Fallen Arms (Op W@R)... I might be a co-leader, who the hell knows. Hmph, I a decent programmer, (Vb6, Some C++, Some Ruby, Some PHP, and of course HTML). I play all Blizzard games depending on my mood.. I'm a member of the *Blizzard Friends List, and I am now the Moderator for this forum... So be nice!

Oh yeah, and I like long walks along the beach.

(I've been here for a while, I just never made an official Introduction post, :P.)

*Link to the BFL: http://www.blizzard.com/support/?id=aww0698p
Spht's Forum / Spht...
March 12, 2007, 07:58 PM
Where are you getting all of those hooded-figure icons? I've always wondered... I only have two, and thats the original one, and then one of it with the colors inverted.
General Discussion / WoWdocs
March 04, 2007, 11:56 PM
Well, I had been contemplating on creating a Documentation Website similar to Bnetdocs, except for WoW. Does anyone else think this may be a good idea? I mean, it's very useful for Battle.net, etc, so why not for WoW? Anyways, it's just a thought, input, suggestions, etc, is very much welcomed.
Battle.net Bot Development / Bnetdocs
September 22, 2006, 11:41 AM
Is it down, or is it just me? =[.