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Topics - Mephisto

Heh - wonder if anyone reads this forum anymore.

Has anyone studied, looked over or at least heard one way or the other about these three books?  I'm finishing up my last lower division courses this semester (differential equations and linear algebra) after completing our school's calculus sequence (differential, integral and vector/multivariable), and then transferring to UCLA's joint mathematics/economics undergrad major this Fall.  Despite having mostly excellent math professors the last couple of years (gotta love those Russian purists), our school used one of the least rigorous calculus texts I've ever read (Stewart 6th Ed. Early Transcendentals - I used as a supplement the slightly more rigorous Varberg/Rigdon/Purcell early transcendentals text).  And since I will be starting off with Real Analysis (Rudin - which I've heard is extremely difficult if you're not well prepared with proofs and the basic underlying theories of calculus beyond what standard texts teach) at UCLA this Fall, I want to prepare by reading through an advanced calculus/pre-analysis text, and heard these three are among the best ones (used at MIT, UChicago, CalTech, etc. in their honors calculus classes).

Any thoughts from anyone who has taken upper division mathematics?
C/C++ Programming / Program Modeling Tool
February 10, 2008, 08:44 PM
I need a modeling tool to design my program interface so that I can present it before the programming begins.  Preferably one that has support for database modeling (Oracle specifically) and one compliant with UML would be nice.  Does anyone know of a free tool to accomplish this?
General Discussion / Science > Al Gore
January 15, 2008, 01:24 PM
I don't know if anyone posted/discussed this, but it's essentially a rebuttal against Al Gore and Inconvenient Truth.  There are some misleading things in it, and it's by no means perfect, but I think it gives some insight into how overstated Global Warming has become because of Al Gore and liberal agendas.

It's over an hour long, but in my opinion it's well worth the watch, no matter which side of the issue you are on.

http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Ikv2TkHOPB0/ - Part 1
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/lXaQ_kngAL8/ - Part 2
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/zvay9ZiJ80w/ - Part 3

There are also several debate videos on YouTube and searches on Google produce results for both opposing and supporting viewpoints.

I am convinced that global warming is essentially bullshit.  However, I did have a thought.  Even if it is proven byeond doubt that global warming doesn't exist, is it such a bad thing to believe it does?  It's pushing everyone in making an effort to clean up the environment and find alternative sources of energy, all of which are independent of global warming and a very real problem we face.
General Discussion / Random Question
June 06, 2006, 02:27 PM
Why is it when I get a call on my cell phone that my amp speakers suddenly make a wierd noise?  I've also heard it happen to my TV, and sometimes my speakers make the noise when I use my cell phone (text messaging); but it's mainly when I receive/send calls that it constantly makes the noise. zzzzzz
General Discussion / Happy 4/20
April 20, 2006, 06:14 PM
Yoni's Math Forum / Simple math expressions...
April 19, 2006, 10:22 PM
For some reason I keep getting different answers with different online calculators I'm using, so I just want a definitive answer from a TI-83 (or something similar) calculator which I would use if I had...

(4.131e-5) / (9.58e-4 * 3.58e-4) = ?
(6.579e-5) / (9.34e-4 * 5.34e-4) = ?
(9.486e-5) / (9.05e-4 * 7.05e-4) = ?
(1.097e-4) / (8.90e-4 * 8.90e-4) = ?

If you're curious, I'm calculating equilibrium constants from my lab.  The most ideal results of these calculations would for these to all be the same (they're the concentrations of all the ions in equilibrium of the 4 different equilibrium systems setup).
I'm going to be graduating next year, but I want to have a solid plan for my future education so I can be as successful as possible.

I am planning to major in some sort of business.  Specifically I want to get a degree in something like Business Management or Administration or International Business.

To do this, I plan to go to my local community college and fix up my high school grades, complete general ED, retake SAT I & II, ACT, etc. & to earn A's & B's to make myself competetive.

After getting an AA at a community college I plan to transfer to a university as a transfer student.  I am from California, so I am deciding between 3 different types of universities:  Cal State University (CSU) which is the easiest university to enter, and is career & hands-on experience oriented; University of California (UC) which is the harder public university to enter which is more research, philisophical, and theory oriented; Private college (Stanford for example) which would cost the most and be the most difficult to enter.

What do you guys think of this plan?  What type of university do you think would be best to transfer to?  What field of business would be best to get a BA in (or masters/Ph.D) for what I want to do (Eventually become a CEO of an international business).

I'm honestly quite skeptical about my success with majoring in business (risks involved, changing business & economics climate, etc.) & also my plan to become educated and successful.
I have to solve the following problems, and frankly I don't know how.  So if anyone could solve them for me, and possibly show work & explain the process, it'd be appreciated:

(I will indicate the unit circle [theta] as (-))

1.) tan x = 2.5 (0 <= x < 2pi)
2.) 3cos x + x = sin x (0 <= x < 2pi)
3.) (tan^2 x - 1) * (cos^2 x - 1) = 0 (0 <= x < 360)
4.) sin A = 2/3, cos B = 7/8, sin(A + B) = ? (pi/2 <= A <= pi && pi/2 <= B < 0)
5.) cos ((-) + pi/2) = -sin(-) (prove the identiy)
6.) y = sin^-1 x (Domain:{...} Range:{...})
7.) csc^-1 5 = ?
8.) 1 - tan^2 (-) / 1 + tan^2 x = cos^2 x (prove the identity)
9.) 2sin^2(-) - sin(-) - 1 = 0 (solve with quadratic formula)
Fun Forum™ / Nuns
March 10, 2006, 11:19 PM
So this is how nuns pass the time in their ultra-relgious eventless lives?

Web Development / PHP Question
March 06, 2006, 06:46 PM
Is there a way to disable PHP from outputting warnings?
Can someone please give me a reliable and effective spyware/adware remover?  It's getting out of control on my computer and makes it almost impossible to surf the net (even with FireFox).  I also just reformated ~week ago, so I don't feel like going through that again.
Fun Forum™ / Beyonce & Jay-Z's Daughter
February 11, 2006, 08:59 PM
Fun Forum™ / QUAGMIRE!!!
February 10, 2006, 02:07 PM
Best of Quagmire
(note: could be old?)
In my Battle.net bot I am attempting to use overlapped I/O (not I/O completion ports).  However, I am running into a very annoying runtime error which I have never really been able to resolve, and AFAIK it occurs randomly, though more frequently under high stress conditions (such as several chat events and server traffic).

The problem is that the buffer is overflowing causing potential errors, and often times leads to the bot disconnecting (not crashing).  So in this post I've included the key parts to my networking/buffering code.  If you need more information, I'd be happy to post it, just tell me what you need.

This is the Connection class (Header/Source file inclusive):

#include "Includes.h"
#include "BufferWriter.h"


const unsigned long BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;

class Connection {


explicit __stdcall Connection(void) : _port(0), _buflen(0), _bufstart(0), _socket((unsigned int)-1), _socketEvent(0), _bytes(0), _flags(0), _sentPackets(0), _recvPackets(0)
_server = new char[50];

ZeroMemory(_server, sizeof(_server));

memset(&_sendOv, 0, sizeof(_sendOv));
memset(&_recvOv, 0, sizeof(_recvOv));
memset(&_WSASendBuf, 0, sizeof(_WSASendBuf));
memset(&_WSARecvBuf, 0, sizeof(_WSARecvBuf));

virtual __stdcall ~Connection(void)
delete [] _server;

// non-generic class function; may remove or use with PacketWriter.h and its derived classes
void __stdcall SendPacket(BufferWriter* message);

// pure virtual functions; override these functions in your derived connection classes
virtual bool __stdcall DoEvents() = 0; // processes network events on the socket event
virtual void __stdcall ProcessData(char* buffer) = 0; // processes the data into a message format then iterates to the next message if necessary
virtual void __stdcall ProcessMessages(unsigned char packetID, char* data, unsigned short len) = 0; // receives the message and processes it accordingly

bool __stdcall ConnectSocket(); // connects the socket to the server specified
bool __stdcall DisconnectSocket(); // disconnects the socket from the server specified

// overlapped receive completion routine
__inline static void CALLBACK StaticRecvComplete(unsigned long dwError, unsigned long dwTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, unsigned long flags)
reinterpret_cast<Connection *>(lpOverlapped->hEvent)->RecvComplete(dwError, dwTransferred, lpOverlapped, flags);

// overlapped send completion routine
__inline static void CALLBACK StaticSendComplete(unsigned long dwError, unsigned long dwTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, unsigned long flags)
reinterpret_cast<Connection *>(lpOverlapped->hEvent)->SendComplete(dwError, dwTransferred, lpOverlapped, flags);

void __stdcall RecvComplete(unsigned long dwError, unsigned long dwTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, unsigned long flags); // handles the completion routine data; called by static receive completion routine
void __stdcall SendComplete(unsigned long dwError, unsigned long dwTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, unsigned long flags); // handles the completion routine data; called by static send completion routine

void __stdcall SendMessage(char* message); // sends the buffered message to the server; you may want to make this pure virtual and implement your own method in the base class or create a new function with a new argument list for sending messages

__inline char* GetServer(void)
return _server;

__inline unsigned short GetPort(void)
return _port;

__inline HANDLE GetSocketEvent(void)
return _socketEvent;

unsigned long _sentPackets;
unsigned long _recvPackets;


char* _server; // pointer to the address of the server
unsigned short _port; // the port the server listens on

unsigned long _buflen; // the length of the buffer when receiving data
unsigned long _bufstart; // the buffer start position to read and store data

SOCKET _socket; // the socket that will be connected to the server
HANDLE _socketEvent; // the socket event used in a wait function

char _recvBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // the buffer in which data is stored for receiving
char _sendBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // the buffer in which data is stored for sending

OVERLAPPED _sendOv; // the overlapped struct used for sending routines
OVERLAPPED _recvOv; // the overlapped struct used for receiving routines

WSABUF _WSARecvBuf; // the standard WSA buffer used in WSARecv
WSABUF _WSASendBuf; // the standard WSA buffer used in WSASend

unsigned long _bytes; // argument passed to WSARecv & WSASend (not used)
unsigned long _flags; // argument passed to WSARecv & WSASend (not used)


#include "Includes.h"
#include "Connection.h"
#include "BufferWriter.h"
#include "GlobalData.h"
#include "Functions.h"

bool __stdcall Connection::ConnectSocket()
struct hostent *host_entry;
struct sockaddr_in serverAttributes;
if((_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: Unable to open socket: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
return false;
if((host_entry = gethostbyname(_server)) == NULL) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: Could not find host for server " << _server << ": " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
return false;
serverAttributes.sin_family = AF_INET;
serverAttributes.sin_port = htons((u_short)_port);
serverAttributes.sin_addr.s_addr = *(unsigned long*)host_entry->h_addr;
if(connect(_socket, (sockaddr *)&serverAttributes, sizeof(serverAttributes)) == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: could not connect to server " << _server << ": " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
return false;
if((_socketEvent = CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: could not create a valid socket event: " << GetLastError() << endl;
return false;
if(WSAEventSelect(_socket, _socketEvent, FD_CONNECT|FD_CLOSE) == SOCKET_ERROR) { // set specified event flags to whatever...
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: could not select events: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
return false;
return true; // output connection success message in DoEvents under flag FD_CONNECT

bool __stdcall Connection::DisconnectSocket()
if(_socket == SOCKET_ERROR) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: Socket is already disconnected!" << endl;
return false;
if(shutdown(_socket, SD_BOTH) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: Could not disconnect socket from server " << _server << ": " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
return false;
return true; // output disconnection success message in DoEvents under flag FD_CLOSE

void __stdcall Connection::SendPacket(BufferWriter* message)
if(send(_socket, message->BuildPacket(), (int)message->GetBufferPosition(), 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: Could not send data to server " << _server << ": " << GetLastError() << endl;
} else

void __stdcall Connection::RecvComplete(unsigned long dwError, unsigned long dwTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, unsigned long flags)
if(dwTransferred == 0) // disconnected from remote host
return; // disconnect handling code in FD_CLOSE in DoEvents

_buflen += dwTransferred; // the size of our current buffer (new data only)
ProcessData(&_recvBuffer[_bufstart]); // pass the buffer to ProcessData for action starting at _bufstart

if((signed)((sizeof(_recvBuffer) - (_bufstart + _buflen)) < (dwTransferred << 1) + 120)) {
memmove(_recvBuffer, &_recvBuffer[_bufstart], _buflen);
_bufstart = 0;

_WSARecvBuf.buf = &_recvBuffer[_bufstart + _buflen];
_WSARecvBuf.len = sizeof(_recvBuffer) - (_bufstart + _buflen);

if(WSARecv(_socket, &_WSARecvBuf, 1, &_bytes, &_flags, &_recvOv, StaticRecvComplete) == SOCKET_ERROR && GetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: Could not receive data from server " << _server << ": " << GetLastError() << endl;

void __stdcall Connection::SendComplete(unsigned long dwError, unsigned long dwTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, unsigned long flags)
if(dwTransferred) // connection refused to accept data
return; // disconnect handling code in FD_CLOSE in DoEvents

// ...

These is the BufferReader and BufferWriter classes; all functions are inlined into the header file:

#include "Includes.h"


class BufferReader {


explicit __stdcall BufferReader(const PVOID data, SIZE_T size) : _Buffer((const char*)data), _BufferSize(size), _BufferPosition(0)
// ...

__stdcall ~BufferReader()
// ...

// all functions explicitly declared with __inline are to be noted as inline

// extract a unsigned char from the current buffer position and advance
__inline void __stdcall ExtractData(unsigned char& data)
CheckBuffer(sizeof(unsigned char));
data = (unsigned char)_Buffer[_BufferPosition];
_BufferPosition += sizeof(unsigned char);

// extract a unsigned short from the current buffer position and advance
__inline void __stdcall ExtractData(unsigned short& data)
CheckBuffer(sizeof(unsigned short));
data = *(const unsigned short*)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition];
_BufferPosition += sizeof(unsigned short);

// extract a unsigned long from the current buffer position and advance
__inline void __stdcall ExtractData(unsigned long& data)
CheckBuffer(sizeof(unsigned long));
data = *(const unsigned long*)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition];
_BufferPosition += sizeof(unsigned long);

// extract a ULONGLONG from the current buffer position and advance
__inline void __stdcall ExtractData(ULONGLONG& data)
data = *(const ULONGLONG*)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition];
_BufferPosition += sizeof(ULONGLONG);

// extract untyped data from the current buffer position and advance
__inline void __stdcall ExtractData(PVOID data, SIZE_T size)
memcpy(data, &_Buffer[_BufferPosition], size);
_BufferPosition += size;

// extract a null-terminated ANSI string from the current buffer position and advance
__inline void __stdcall ExtractData(const char*& data)
data = (const char*)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition];
const char* StrEnd = (const char*)memchr(&_Buffer[_BufferPosition], '\0', _BufferSize - _BufferPosition);

if(!StrEnd) {
cout << "Buffer overrun error!  Data extraction failed!" << endl;

_BufferPosition += StrEnd - &_Buffer[_BufferPosition] + 1;

// extract a null-terminated std::string from the current buffer position and advance
__inline void __stdcall ExtractData(std::string& data)
data = (const char*)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition];
const char* StrEnd = (const char*)memchr(&_Buffer[_BufferPosition], '\0', _BufferSize - _BufferPosition);

if(!StrEnd) {
cout << "Buffer overrun error!  Data extraction failed!" << endl;

_BufferPosition += StrEnd - &_Buffer[_BufferPosition] + 1;

// extract a null-terminated Unicode string from the current buffer position and advance
__inline void __stdcall ExtractData(PCWSTR& data)
PCWSTR StrEnd = wmemchr((const PWCHAR)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition], L'\0', (_BufferSize - _BufferPosition) >> 1);
data = (PCWSTR)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition];

if(!StrEnd) {
cout << "Buffer overrun error!  Data extraction failed!" << endl;

_BufferPosition += (const char*)StrEnd - &_Buffer[_BufferPosition] + 2;

// extract a null-terminated std::wstring from the current buffer position and advance
__inline void __stdcall ExtractData(std::wstring& data)
PCWSTR StrEnd = wmemchr((const PWCHAR)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition], L'\0', (_BufferSize - _BufferPosition) >> 1);
data = (PCWSTR)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition];

if(!StrEnd) {
cout << "Buffer overrun error!  Data extraction failed!" << endl;

_BufferPosition += (const char*)StrEnd - &_Buffer[_BufferPosition] + 2;

const char* GetBuffer() const
return _Buffer;

SIZE_T GetBufferSize() const
return _BufferSize;

SIZE_T GetBufferPosition() const
return _BufferPosition;

void SetBufferPosition(SIZE_T pos)
if(pos > _BufferSize)

_BufferPosition = pos;

__inline void __stdcall CheckBuffer(SIZE_T bytes)
if(_BufferPosition + bytes > _BufferSize)
cout << "Buffer overrun error!  Attempted to read past the buffer allocation!" << endl;

// returns false if a buffer overrun would occur
__inline bool __stdcall CanAdvance(SIZE_T bytes)
return _BufferPosition + bytes <= _BufferSize;

const char* _Buffer;
SIZE_T _BufferSize;
mutable SIZE_T _BufferPosition;


#include "Includes.h"


class BufferWriter {


explicit __stdcall BufferWriter(SIZE_T size = 1024) : _BufferSize(size), _BufferPosition()
_Buffer = new char[size];

cout << "Out of memory error in attempt to allocate a buffer" << endl;

ZeroMemory(_Buffer, sizeof(_Buffer));

virtual __stdcall ~BufferWriter(void)
delete [] _Buffer;

// all functions explicitly declared with __inline are to be noted as inline

// used to build a buffered packet; overrided as a pure virtual function in derived classes
__inline virtual char* __stdcall BuildPacket(void) = 0;

// insert an UCHARacter (byte) into the buffer
__inline void __stdcall InsertData(unsigned char data)
CheckBuffer(sizeof(unsigned char));
_Buffer[_BufferPosition] = data;
_BufferPosition += sizeof(unsigned char);

// insert an unsigned short (unsigned short) into the buffer
__inline void __stdcall InsertData(unsigned short data)
CheckBuffer(sizeof(unsigned short));
*(PUSHORT)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition] = data;
_BufferPosition += sizeof(unsigned short);

// insert an unsigned long (unsigned long) into the buffer
__inline void __stdcall InsertData(unsigned long data)
CheckBuffer(sizeof(unsigned long));
*(PULONG)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition] = data;
_BufferPosition += sizeof(unsigned long);

// insert a 64-bit unsigned long (__int64 && ULONGLONG) into the buffer
__inline void __stdcall InsertData(ULONGLONG data)
*(PULONGLONG)&_Buffer[_BufferPosition] = data;
_BufferPosition += sizeof(ULONGLONG);

// insert untyped data of any specified size into the buffer; if default size is 0 the function returns
__inline void __stdcall InsertData(const PVOID data, SIZE_T size)
memcpy(&_Buffer[_BufferPosition], data, size);
_BufferPosition += size;

// insert an ANSI string (CHARacter array) into the buffer
__inline void __stdcall InsertData(const char* data)
SIZE_T len = (SIZE_T)strlen(data)+1;
memcpy(&_Buffer[_BufferPosition], data, len);
_BufferPosition += len;

// insert an ANSI string (std::string) into the buffer
__inline void __stdcall InsertData(const std::string& data)
SIZE_T len = (SIZE_T)data.size()+1;
memcpy(&_Buffer[_BufferPosition], data.c_str(), len);
_BufferPosition += len;

// insert a Unicode string (CHARacter array) into the buffer
__inline void __stdcall InsertData(PCWSTR data)
SIZE_T len = ((SIZE_T)wcslen(data) << 1) + 2;
memcpy(&_Buffer[_BufferPosition], data, len);
_BufferPosition += len;

// insert a Unicode string (std::string) into the buffer
__inline void __stdcall InsertData(const std::wstring& data)
SIZE_T len = (data.size() << 1) + 2;
memcpy(&_Buffer[_BufferPosition], data.c_str(), len);
_BufferPosition += len;

// return the size of the allocated buffer
SIZE_T GetBufferSize(void) const
return _BufferSize;

// return the current buffer insert position
SIZE_T GetBufferPosition(void) const
return _BufferPosition;

// return a pointer to the buffer
char* GetBuffer(void) const
return _Buffer;

void SetBufferPosition(unsigned long Position)
if(Position > _BufferSize)

_BufferPosition = Position;

// resize the current buffer to make room for more data
__inline void __stdcall ResizeBuffer(SIZE_T size)
char* temp_buf = (char*)realloc(_Buffer, size);

if(!temp_buf) {
cout << "Out of memory error in attempt to allocate a buffer!  Buffer resize failed!" << endl;

_Buffer = temp_buf;


// check to see if the buffer needs to be resized
__inline void __stdcall CheckBuffer(SIZE_T requiredBytes)
if(_BufferPosition + requiredBytes > _BufferSize)
ResizeBuffer((_BufferSize << 1) > _BufferPosition + requiredBytes ? _BufferSize << 1 : _BufferPosition + requiredBytes + (_BufferSize << 1));

char* _Buffer;
SIZE_T _BufferSize, _BufferPosition;


This is my BotMain() function called after all the prerequisites are completed (irrelevant to the problem)in main():

void __cdecl BotMain(void)
global->_bnetConnect = new BnetConnection(global->_server, 6112);
global->_bnlsConnect = new BNLSConnection(global->_bnlsServer, 9367);

strcpy(global->_botData._username, global->_username);
global->_queueThread = CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)QueueThread, NULL, NULL, NULL);

WSAData wsaData;
if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: could not startup Winsock: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;

cout << Timestamp() << "Connecting to Battle.net server " << global->_server << "..." << endl;

while(global->_bnetConnect->ConnectSocket() == false)
global->_socketEvents[0] = global->_bnetConnect->GetSocketEvent();

if(global->_bnls) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Connecting to BNLS server " << global->_bnlsServer << "..." << endl;
while(global->_bnlsConnect->ConnectSocket() == false)
global->_socketEvents[1] = global->_bnlsConnect->GetSocketEvent();

if(global->_bnls) {
while(global->_shutdownBot == false) {
unsigned long waitResult = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(2, global->_socketEvents, false, INFINITE, true);
switch(waitResult) {
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + (1 - 1):
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + (2 - 1):
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: Could not wait on event handles: " << GetLastError() << endl;
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: A timeout occured on waiting for an object event: " << GetLastError() << endl;
//cout << Timestamp() << "Warning: A wait function returned to an asynchronous procedure call (APC): " << GetLastError() << endl;
cout << Timestamp() << "Warning: An object handle was abandoned while waiting on it: " << GetLastError() << endl;
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: An unknown error occured when waiting on the object handles: " << GetLastError() << endl;
} else if(!global->_bnls) {
while(global->_shutdownBot == false) {
unsigned long waitResult = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(1, &global->_socketEvents[0], false, INFINITE, true);
switch(waitResult) {
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + (1 - 1):
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: Could not wait on event handles: " << GetLastError() << endl;
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: A timeout occured on waiting for an object event: " << GetLastError() << endl;
//cout << Timestamp() << "Warning: A wait function returned to an asynchronous procedure call (APC): " << GetLastError() << endl;
cout << Timestamp() << "Warning: An object handle was abandoned while waiting on it: " << GetLastError() << endl;
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: An unknown error occured when waiting on the object handles: " << GetLastError() << endl;

These are the relevant functions from BnetConnection which derives from Connection:

bool __stdcall BnetConnection::DoEvents()
WSAEnumNetworkEvents(_socket, _socketEvent, events);

if(events->lNetworkEvents & FD_CONNECT) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Connected to server " << _server << "!" << endl;

memset(&_recvOv, 0, sizeof(_recvOv));
_recvOv.hEvent = (HANDLE)this;
_WSARecvBuf.buf = _recvBuffer;
_WSARecvBuf.len = sizeof(_recvBuffer);

if(WSARecv(_socket, &_WSARecvBuf, 1, &_bytes, &_flags, &_recvOv, StaticRecvComplete) == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Initial WSARecv failed: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
if(global->_autoreconnect) {
return false;
} else if(events->lNetworkEvents & FD_CLOSE) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Disconnected from server " << _server << "!" << endl;
if(global->_autoreconnect) {
return true;

void __stdcall BnetConnection::ProcessData(char* buffer)
unsigned char serverID = '\0';
unsigned char packetID = '\0';
unsigned short packetlen = 0;
char data[BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
BufferReader *pRead = new BufferReader(buffer, _buflen);

while(_buflen >= 4 && _buflen >= packetlen) {
pRead->ExtractData(data, packetlen-4);

//cout << Timestamp() << "Received packet 0x" << hex << (unsigned long)packetID << " from Battle.net." << endl << dec;

if(serverID != 0xFF) {
cout << Timestamp() << "Error: Received invalid packet class: " << hex << (unsigned long)serverID << endl << dec;

ProcessMessages(packetID, data, packetlen-4);
_buflen -= packetlen;
_bufstart += packetlen;
delete pRead;

I realize that it's a lot to go through and potential impossible to determine the error without being able to debug, but yeah...If decide to go through it and propose any solutions I'd appreciate it (and even point out coding inconsistancies, bad coding practice, etc. I'd appreciate that as well).  Again the problem is that there are some disconnects caused by buffering problems; in the logs it stores (from redirecting output from std) it has a lot of errors reported by the BufferReader class which is almost always followed by a disconnection.
Fun Forum™ / Maze
January 29, 2006, 06:17 PM
Try this...
(turn speakers all the way up)
Fun Forum™ / Fascinating Picture
January 26, 2006, 06:13 PM

General Discussion / The Simpsons vs. Family Guy
January 24, 2006, 07:23 PM
Simpsons ftw!

I just saw the commercial on T.V. and Googled a search.

As a another matter for serious discussion: I thought Intel & Microsoft were close partners?  And if so, why would Intel do this?  Or is money so much more important as to compromising current relations? :D
C/C++ Programming / Seeking Quick Answer
January 10, 2006, 10:44 PM
nevermind, fixed