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Topics - joykillah

General Discussion / invert is a slut
September 04, 2011, 10:43 AM
invert is a huge slut
News / irc.valhallalegends.com
September 02, 2011, 07:54 AM
irc.valhallalegends.com is up and running anyone that wants to come is more then welcome we are in #vL
Basically I've talked to grok about organizing vL and getting everyone together that wants to be on diablo 3 and any other games.  This includes recruiting some new members which will be done the same way people need to be voted on by the active members.

On irc.darkexile.com channel #vL has almost 20 users in it now...   Zorm, Arta, Jigsaw, xp, joykillah (me), and a couple old wolf like WoLF`SilverClaw and WoLF`GoLD are there plus a bunch of other people...Me and xp would like nothing more then to try and get as many vL members on as we can.  We want to make vL active again.. 

Now we are gonna be getting vL members together and trying just to get organized and so far irc.darkexile.com we have the best output for people showing up in channel #vL I need to talk to Grok about pointing irc.valhallalegends.com to the same ip and then from there hopefully we get more vL

Anyway please post and let me know if anyone has any questions.
hey everyone I got the email about the new forums and just wanted to say hi.. on irc.darkexile.com we have a #vL channel with me tehuser arta and some others if anyone wants to come on.  I myself have just been working on the webpage darkexile.com if anyone wants to come check it out..

besides that I want to say hi to all my vL brothers and I miss you guys you need to keep in touch more my aim is Brett0wNz with a zero not a O or you can email me at [email protected] please guys keep in touch would love to hear from you

joykillah out
Trash Can / Getting ahold of grok/thing/skywing
April 29, 2010, 10:19 PM
Ok i've used all my resources to get in touch with them now it's time to sit back and wait for them to get back to me.
General Discussion / Invert
April 27, 2010, 05:58 AM
Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken!

Thing-O-Rama ™ / Thing vL dns for irc
April 24, 2010, 01:57 PM

I need to get ahold of grok or thing to point irc.valhallalegends.com to

if I can't get ahold of them I will just use vl.darkexile.com for now #vL

right now u can connect to firepacket.darkexile.com or irc.darkexile.com

but there are some peeps on like cuphead, darkminion, arta, rabbit me and some others.
Everyone from jigsaw to darkminion to WoLF`GoLD to caldaga to all the old school bnet people and many many others have been hanging on irc.darkexile.com irc.darkkingz.com #dk187  also on our forums at http://www.darkkingz.com   

if you would like to sign on you can even get on through our webirc client on darkkingz.com  Also i've put up every old school bot about 70 of them from nbbot to darkbot to you name it. it's on darkkingz.com forums to download.. I've also put up about 40 screenshots of old bnet on there in the gallery for people to check out... Please come check it out sign on to irc and see some old friends and faces... I encourage everyone new and old to come and hang out with us.. We are trying to create reunion games for D1,D2,Starcraft, broodwars, warcraft wow guild wars and build for starcraft 2 AND DIABLO 3  If you are interested please come and i mean really what do you got to lose to check it out for a few minutes.

You may run into people you haven't seen in years.

This is joykillah

i'm out!
Hey whats up everyone.. i've been working on http://www.darkexile.com and http://www.darkkingz.com like crazy what are you all up to???

i just wanted to say hi is anyone still around or am I one of the old men here now?

where is darkminion and skywing and grok?
General Discussion / hey whats up everyone
October 10, 2009, 07:30 AM
what happened to vL member forums? and i guess u guys trashed my forum at the bottom? could you make a new one i'm gonna be on allot..

called Joykillah's security forum or something along those lines.
Excess of Grok / fsu, miami
December 08, 2003, 09:54 AM
whats your call?
Cisco 7900 Series VoIP Phone ARP Spoofing Denial Of Service Vulnerability

don't know how many of you are cisco guru's but check you might wanna check this out
